Samstag, 22. Juni 2024

22.06.2024 - Most diseases in the West and Remedies / Y. Kawabata 1968 and Snow Country etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

see dali48 and writing Tagebuch 2008 + 2009, diary3 (2010) in Erkrath, ediary4+5 (2011+2012), Collection of ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.

Interpretation of dali48
Most diseases in the West (including cancer, etc. - d.48) are due to - denatured industrial food, additives, shelf life, pesticides (see e.g. neonics etc. - d.48), eating habits, etc. 
It helps at fatigue: breathing and concentration exercises, massage, bath, light, nutritious food, ginger tea, cardamom, cloves, hot vegetable or chicken soup, porridge made of wheat, butter fat (ghee), nuts, honey, rock candy, apples, fresh fruit juices…
Against pain: massage, baths (sandalwood oil), drink plenty of water…
Back pain: Herbal oils and ointments, movement and physical exercises…
Neck pain, it helps: “Tiger balm” (balm for colds etc. - d.48)…
In nerve weakness and memory problems helps: licorice, coriander, fenugreek, garlic…  
Insomnia, it helps: hot milk with honey, banana, etc.
Eyes burning, it helps: decoction of licorice or coriander seeds, sandalwood paste…
For clear sight: licorice, garlic, carrots, milk pudding, almonds, cardamom…
Sinusitis: Herbal oils (see e.g. eucalyptus etc. - d.48)…
Sore throat: gargle with hot salt water or chamomile tea…
Coughs: lozenges, licorice, ginger, pepper, honey, powder of figs…
Asthma: thyme and “Ajwa-tea”…
Heartburn: cold, sweetened milk, cloves…
Stomach ulcers: yogurt, carrots, zucchini, turnips, potatoes, pumpkin, gruel of rice, cereals, vegetables, banana, “Bilva”…
Flatulence: thyme, hot water and lemon, 2 garlic cloves 5 raisins, Garden cress…
Hemorrhoids: fresh fruit and vegetables, a glass of radish juice a day… (B. Dost)    

Interpretation of dali48
Ryokan died at the age of 73. He was born in the province of Echigo, the present Niigata Prefecture and the setting of my novel Snow Country, a northerly region on what is known as the reverse side of Japan, where cold winds come down across the Japan Sea from Siberia. He lived his whole life in the snow country, and to his “eyes in their last extremity”, when he was old and tired and knew that death was near, and had attained enlightenment, the snow country, as we see in his last poem, was yet more beautiful, I should imagine. I have an essay with the title “Eyes in their Last Extremity”… (Y. Kawabata, Nobel L. 1968) 

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