Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

13.06.2024 - Tao & permanent changes and Zen & the present moment etc.

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dali48 and studying and teaching in the 70s, and visiting & photographing in Tübingen etc. 
13.06.2018 - Tao2 and Zen etc...

Interpretation of dali48
The two most important aspects to understand the “Tao” are:
1 That nothing happens - ever the same…
2 This huge fabric consists of permanent changes… (P. Rawson / L. Legeza)
Since “Zen” targets its view over the symbols out on the things themselves - it recognizes all our prejudices about… (S.W. Holmes / C. Horioka)
“Zen” means fusion of Buddhism and Shintoism...
Man is a child of nature and gets along best when he works hand in hand with...
Security and immutability are chimeras of the...
One can only live - in the present moment...
The lively scene and the words about it - are not the same and...
Fields and mountains, the snow took them... - Nothing… (A haiku by Yoso)
But in all events - there is no permanent unchanging soul...
There is no “ego” - in the sense of a persistent, unchanging soul or...
The lively “ego” is constantly changing - Live now! Accept yourself - as you are...!
Because of this “ego” is purely imaginary - we can easily ascribe to it a stable and...
In short, we pay for the illusion of an unchanging... - in that we have to constantly litigate against our...
The water is flowing - We are...
True insight comes not from special knowledge...
No more oil to read - so off to bed...

Ah! My moonlight-pillow… (Basho)

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