Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

13.06.2024 - Fantasies and Daydreams and S. Freud etc. by dali48

dali48 and cycling and swimming and photographing lake Unterbach near Erkrath etc.

10.02.2014 - Fantasies1 and Daydreams etc. by dali48

27.04.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
Give up your fantasies. - Take some time to find yourself. - Put more value on yourself as an independent person. - Be aware about the fact that you once had to decide yourself for self-sacrifice. - and that you now have in hand, to reverse this decision, - and that you can do so immediately...
Give up hope that another person can do for you - what only you can do for yourself. - Get rid of the fear of not being liked. - Learn to be alone. - Make yourself aware of the following: If you define yourself by a relationship, - or the lack of a relationship - your self is not clearly defined. - Do not make others allegations, because you get on too short in life. - Do not be afraid to be selfish. - Take care of yourself. - Be your own biggest fan... A connection of hearts is something very complex - and needs time to unfold. - Fantasies, fears, and hormones, however, are not subtle. - They obscure the reality, - and are stronger than wisdom, discernment and tender feelings of the heart... (Carter / Sokol)
Fantasy in a psychological sense is broadly used to cover two different senses, - conscious and unconscious. - In the unconscious sense, it is sometimes spelled "phantasy"... A similarly positive view of fantasy - was taken by Sigmund Freud. Daydreams for Freud were thus a valuable resource... (Wikipedia)

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