Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

13.06.2024 - Diseases and Home remedies and Herbs & ribwort-plantain, elder etc.

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dali48 and writing books and photographing "Flora & Fauna" in Wickrath etc.     
13.06.2018 - Diseases2 and Home remedies and Herbs etc...

Interpretation of dali48
Most violent diarrhea: marjoram plus ribwort plantain...
Persistent diarrhea: blueberry...
Constipating herbs (diarrhea): anserine tea, blood-root...
Intestinal cramps: it helps camphor oil...
Bowel disease: angelica, blessed thistle...
Against diarrhea: shepherd's purse, butter bread with raw onions...
Diarrhea (chronic): mug-wort, blackberry...
Detoxify: take meadow flower for a cold...
Inflammation (general): Knot-weed, wool flower...
Linseed: inflammation in the stomach,...
Enzymes: atherosclerosis, muscle strength...
Colds: chamomile head steam…
Drink tea: chamomile, elder, linden...
Feverish cold: bitter clover, daisies...
Fatigue: Iceland moss, gentian...
Rotten meat: fenugreek, oak…
Meat poisoning: absinthe...
Cold feet: warm foot bath…
Recommended herbs: hay flower, calamus...  (K. Kölbl)
Golden Snow “thanks dali48 for this valuable information” ~~~

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