Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

13.06.2024 - Sugar-related decline & Prohibited food and a Healthy life style etc.

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dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing a monument in Bad Cannstatt etc.    
13.06.2018 - Sugar-related decline2 and healthy life style etc...
Interpretation of dali48
Sugar-related: Decline of the bite, rheumatism, arthritis…
1 white and brown sugar…
2 white bread, rolls…
3 margarine, refined oils…
4 fruit juices, vegetable juices…
5 regular consumption of coffee, tobacco and…
Required and allowed: whole wheat bread, porridge of fresh wheat (or oat flakes etc. - d.48), fresh food… (M.O. Brucker)
A single inhalation from the cigarette - floods the lungs with a few trillion of these oxygen radicals…
Important for Health: Vitamin A, C, E...
Balanced life: avoid internal stress! - Laugh at yourself...

Golden Snow 
I do have a sweet tooth, but flowing your sites for a year plus I am now on the right path ... I have much more energy then ever before ... sugar seems to take down my system leaving me feeling tired ... coming from a poor family store bought food was a rarity ... veggies from the garden and fruit from our trees filled our bellies ... I eat very little wheat but I bake with unbleached organic flour or almond and rice flour ... have adapted some nice treats no sugar ... love the list of vitamins listed here dali48 ... I have to take them everyday ... your list validates for me thank you ...

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