Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

08.06.2024 - Physical defenses and stinging nettle etc. / Aging and changes in diet etc.

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

14.09.1998 - Interpretation of dali48

Physical defenses:
Bockshorn clover, stinging nettle, rose hip, yarrow, Centaurium erythraea, juniper, grapevine ... (K. Kölbl)

In der Volks- und Naturheilkunde findet das Kraut vor allem bei Verdauungsbeschwerden und Entzündungen Anwendung. Die Bitterstoffe wirken über verschiedene Effekte: Anregung der Speichelsekretion sowie der Magensaftbildung und der Bauchspeicheldrüse, Leber und GalleFörderung der Magen- und Darmbewegung und Verdauung.16.10.2023

Searches related to K. Kölbl and stinging nettle

A little bit of fat, a lot of fruit, juice, rice fruit days, a lot of silicic acid (horsetail), lichen, seaweed, dandelion, sage, thyme, yarrow, oat, elderberry, Icelandic moss, garlic, mistletoe, carrot, juniper, hawthorn, wheat bran, vermouth, no (only a little - d.48) sugar, a lot of fish (Vit F), many small portions of food, vegetable oils and margarine, yogurt + curd (liver detoxification) + Sour milk etc. - eat slowly, check tooth prosthesis, hay-flower baths ...
Chronic inflammation, blood flow, prostate, liver, spleen, asthma, arteriosclerosis. - Arteriosclerosis has reached the extent of an epidemic ...
Necessary is:
Changes in diet, high pressure, no cigarettes, control of diabetes and fatigue, more physical activity. - Especially vulnerable are the heart, brain and kidneys ...
Houseroot (Sempervivum tectorum L, homoeop.):
Diarrhea (rashy), burns, inflammation, ulcers ...
Bone weed:
Diarrhea (mucous), cramp-like body aches, urinary discomfort + sharp urine ...
Rhombus herb:
Diarrhea (mucus), bloating, stomach, cramps, cold ...
Tormentille (blood root):
Diarrhea (severe), blood rupture, blood flow, dysentery, thyroid, chronic inflammation (colitis) chronic (in powder form or tincture or tea), liver, spleen, jaundice, tormentilla soap (skin) ...
Oak bark + milk cooking, Coal tablets, butter in warm water dissolve and drink to vomit ...
Wheat germs:
Strengthening the defenses (metabolism, B-vitamins) ... (G. Schettler)

Searches related to G. Schettler and Aging

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