Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

08.06.2024 - Georg Groddeck and psychosomatic medicine etc.

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

05.02.2014 - Activity17 on and Georg Groddeck and psychosomatic medicine etc.

04.05.2010 - Interpretation of dali48
I Need to Gag You,
Groddeck, (by dali48)
Chopin, (by dali48)...
Intestinal Flora, (by dali48)...
Vitality and Conditioning, (by dali48)...
Mysterious Depths, (by dali48)...
Conformity versus Isolation, (by dali48)...
Escape from Everyday Life, (by dali48)...
It's up to you to learn their language... and keep your little buddy happy, healthy, and in charge of your house for many years... (by rmr)
Old cats often have digestive problems, and near the end of their lives - failing kidneys can also cause nausea and vomiting... (by rmr)
For elderly cats, vomiting tends to be more frequent. Like humans, aging cats' organs become less efficient... (by rmr)
To control hairballs is with petroleum jelly. Spread a bit on your cat's paw once a week, and he'll instinctively lick it off... (by rmr)
Outdoor cats eat grass. It not only helps to bring up hairballs, but provides vitamins, and roughage to aid digestion... (by rmr)
Some cats are even subject to motion sickness that can be set off during a ride in the car... (by rmr) 
Cat Vomiting is often caused by eating too much, eating too fast, or playing too soon after eating... (by rmr)
Cats Health Why Is My Cat Vomiting,
20.15 Phoenix Tropenwelt Karibik (3/4) Sturm im Paradies Film von Sophie Cooper und Karen...
18:30 3sat nano spezial: Ölkatastrophe Mit Gesprächsgästen...
23:45 Arte Erinnere mich LeseHorizonte Lissabon...
Emotional Conflict, (by dali48)
Sugar and Stevia, (by dali48)
Lung and Heart etc, (by dali48)
Man of Tao, (by dali48)
Tax Havens, (by dali48)
Myopia, (by dali48)
Dylan Thomas, (by dali48)
Foodhunter2, (by dali48)
Coromandel, (by dali48)
Charity, (by dali48)
Bread and Fireworks, (by dali48)
Birds and Carbon, (by dali48)

Interpretation of dali48
Georg Groddeck (1866 Bad Kösen – 1934 Knonau, near Zurich) was a physician and writer regarded as a pioneer of psychosomatic medicine...
With such and other methods the German physician Georg Groddeck, who practised in Baden-Baden and was the pathfinder of psychosomatic medicine, astonished his numerous...
Freud mentions Groddeck in The Ego and the Id, crediting him with giving a name to what Freud had already given a local habitation, to wit, the Id...
In contrast to Freud, Groddeck was primarily engaged with the treatment of chronically ill patients. Groddeck is considered by many as a founder of...
Toward the end of his life, many colleagues and admirers asked Groddeck to form a society that would promote his ideas. To this request, he would laugh and reply...
In a talk called Who is it who knows there is no Ego? the zen philosopher Alan Watts said that when people came to Groddeck for analysis, he would give them...
"He was a completely wonderful man because everybody felt calmed by him. They felt an atmosphere of implicit faith in nature and especially in...
"No matter what, there is a wisdom inside you (see intuition etc. - d.48) which may seem absurd, but you have to trust it." Watts mentions
that Hermann Graf Keyserling, the Lithuanian philosopher,
said that nobody has ever reminded him more of...

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