Samstag, 8. Juni 2024

08.06.2024 - Kawabata and Tragic losses and Buddhist philosophy etc.

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dali48 and writing books and photographing "Flora & Fauna" in Wickrath etc.
08.06.2018 - Kawabata2 and Buddhist philosophy etc...
Interpretation of dali48
At an early age, however, he was deprived of his favorable environment of his growing-up - caused by the sudden...
These tragic losses - doubly significant in view of the Japanese people intense feeling for blood ties, have undoubtedly affected Kawabata's whole outlook on... - and has been one of the reasons for his later study of Buddhist...
In a youthful short story, which first drew attention to him at the age of 27. - He tells of a student who, during lonely autumn walks on the peninsula of Izu, meets a...
She opens her pure heart and shows the young man a way to deep and... (Y. Kawabata, Pres. Sp. 1968) 

Golden Snow “these stories are exiting ... I love to read of peoples’ lives ... how they began and the struggles that move them to shape their life ... love stories are beautiful and moving”...

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