Freitag, 7. Juni 2024

07.06.2024 - Karma & different world systems and Meditation & identity etc.

Image result for photos of dali48
dali48 and writing books and photographing "Flora & Fauna" in the park of Wickrath etc.   

Interpretation of dali48
Like other seeds produce other fruits - or magicians conjure pictures with their... - So the creatures create by their (collective) karma - different world systems that are… 
From then on felt Chih Tsang, whenever he saw another creature in need, and it might even be a small animal or... - the same indomitable urge to save it without regard for...
We do it (see night prayer rituals) for the venerable Sheng Tsang, told me the elderly monk. Last month he became ill, - and we vowed to take his evil karma in this way to us, with the result that he is now...
The conventional description of the states of condition for enlightenment says, that one experiences the emptiness of all beings, including the...
In the West there are people who, in an effort to cast off the shackles of traditional religion, got a high opinion of... 
This is certainly true, for what other purpose would have meditation as the realization of identity with that, which is greater than the...? (J. Blofeld)   

Golden Snow “thank you for these points of interest ~~~ dali48 so much ~ thanks” ~

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