Freitag, 7. Juni 2024

07.06.2024 - Believers & creation / D. Duhm / L. Buscaglia / Italian proverb / Buddha etc.

diary of dali48: 08.05.2019 - Haiti and Earthquakes and Floods etc.... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon
dali48 and writing books and photographing "flora and fauna" etc.

19.04.1997 - Interpretation of dali48

Christians and other believers must once again learn to understand the holiness of creation! - For otherwise we are lost! - Our children would wander without a future... (M. Fox)

There can be no peace on earth as long as war is in love... - We can not become healthy beings, as long as we add disease to the nature... (D. Duhm)

The care and responsibility for something living (see plants, animals, humans, etc. - d.48) awakens the feeling of one's own dignity and promotes inner peace... - (i.e. therapy for soul, body and mind of ill people etc. - d.48)... (L. Buscaglia)

"Siamo vecchi troppo presto, e troppo tardi intelligenti" (We become too early old and too late intelligent)... (Italian proverb)

What does not grow, dies or becomes sick ... - The only difference between an extended track and a grave - are the dimensions... (E. Glasgow)

For centuries the philosophers have been telling us that there is no point in hanging their hearts on material things! - Buddha teaches, the greater our possessions - the greater also the concern to preserve it... - The sad thing is that when this golden time has come, we do not need the once longed-for things - or become too tired, too sick, or too immobile to enjoy them... - Who still needs flowers when he is dead? - I should have told her I loved her - while she was still here... (L. Buscaglia)

Dieter Duhm sociologist, psychoanalyst, art historian and author, is one of the co-founders of Tamera, a peace research center in southwestern Portugal.
Felice Leonardo "LeoBuscaglia PhD (March 31, 1924 – June 12, 1998), also known as "Dr. Love," was an American author and motivational speaker, and a ...
Died‎: ‎June 12, 1998 (aged 74); ‎Glenbrook, Ne...
Born‎: ‎March 31, 1924; ‎Los Angeles, California‎, ...
Italian proverbs are sayings in Italian. Proverbs. "Non affoga colui che cade in acqua - ma affoga chi male incappa." English: Who ... Wiki letter w.svg, This is a ...

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