Freitag, 7. Juni 2024

07.06.2024 - J. Blofeld and Mysticism and Intuition and a quiet life etc.

Related image
dali48 and writing books and photographing "Flora and Fauna" in Wickrath etc.

Interpretation of dali48
Great courage must have the person - who identifies itself as a tiny, transient and constantly changing unit, and yet dares the...”
Can we not solve ourselves from bad thoughts, cruel words, envy, and... - so we are unable to…
Only by gentleness and generosity - we can win against this old... - the “self”
If the whole body falls apart, something eternal intellectual is left - what is it? Then the master replied...
While Christian and Muslim mystics were generally regarded with suspicion by their “brothers in faith”, and not infrequently have been suppressed - Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist...
Mysticism transcends logic and deals with a kind of truth - which is recognized only by...
What eloquent testimony they (Taoists) gave for the accuracy of one of their favorite theses, namely that true happiness has little to do with…
No wonder, that by Confucians, republicans and communists - they were seen as...
For who, if he has once tasted the joys of a quiet life... - would voluntarily return to the... - such as highly organized societies impose on...? (J. Blofeld)  
Golden Snow “wonderful thoughts dali48, I will take this one with me this morning ... quote:
If the whole body falls apart, something eternal intellectual is left - what is it? Then the master replied: “It's windy again this morning”... profound ~"

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