Freitag, 7. Juni 2024

07.06.2024 - F. Chopin & Mozart's Requiem / G. Groddeck & Freud's “It” / 19 published Hubs etc.

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing a lake in the park of Wickrath etc.

03.02.2014 - Frédéric Chopin and Mozart's Requiem and "Quam olim" etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling and photographing in Erkrath etc.

27.05.2010 - Interpretation of dali48
Frédéric Chopin was born on March 1, 1810 in the Polish city Zelazowa Wola. From 1829, he went on trips and stayed alternately in Warsaw, Vienna and in Paris. - In 1831 he then moved permanently to Paris, where he met Alfred de Musset, Franz Liszt and Heinrich Heine. - In 1838 he became a loving couple with the novelist George Sand. - Their relationship lasted for 10 years...
The Symphony Varsovia under Dimitri Liss interprets the works that were performed at Chopin's funeral on October 30, 1849. - Chopin died on October 17, 1849 with only 39 years and was buried at the cemetery Père Lachaise in Paris. - For his funeral, he had asked Mozart's Requiem... (ARTE / Music, 31.01.2010)

Interpretation of dali48
The Requiem Mass in D minor (K. 626) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was composed in Vienna in 1791, - and left unfinished at the composer's death on December 5. A completion by Franz Xaver Süssmayr was delivered to Count Franz von Walsegg, who had anonymously commissioned the piece for a requiem Mass to commemorate the February 14 anniversary of his wife's death...
At the time of Mozart's death on 5 December 1791, only the opening movement (Requiem aeternam) was completed in all of the orchestral and vocal parts...
Also in 1798, Constanze is noted to have given another interview to Franz Xaver Niemetschek, another biographer looking to publish a compendium of Mozart's life. - He published his biography in 1808, containing a number of claims about Mozart’s receipt of the Requiem commission:
He told Constanze "I am only too conscious... my end will not be long in coming: for sure, someone has poisoned me (see our pet Niki, 04.12.2010, see my father's dog Struppi in the 60s – d.48). I cannot rid my mind of this thought."
One series of myths surrounding the Requiem involves the role Antonio Salieri played in the commissioning and completion of the Requiem and in Mozart's death generally. While the most recent retelling of this myth is Peter Shaffer's play Amadeus and the movie made from it, it is important to note that the source of misinformation was actually a 19th century play by Alexander Pushkin, Mozart and Salieri, which was turned into an opera by Rimsky-Korsakov and subsequently used as the framework for Amadeus...
If the most common authorship theory is true, then "Quam olim d: C:" might very well be the last words Mozart wrote before he died. It is probable that whoever stole the fragment believed that to be the case... (Wikipedia)

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04.02.2014 - Georg Groddeck and Freud's “It” and first 3 years of life etc. by dali48

dali48 and reading & buying books after the sports institute at midday at the entrance of the new cafeteria in Tübingen, and as exchange student in Leeds in 1972/73 etc.

11.02.2008 - Interpretation of dali48
The sentence "I live" is only partly true, it expresses a small part of the phenomenon of fundamental truth: man is lived by the “It”...
Isn’t it strange that we know nothing more of our first 3 years of life?
I've never met someone who would have remembered of his 1st step or how he had learned the way to speak, eat, see and hear. - And yet these are all experiences...
When I'm sad, my heart cries for my mother and she is not found. Should I be angry at “God” and the world? Since it is better to laugh about oneself, - about this being a child, from which one never comes out. Because with adulthood, it is such a thing, man, it is rare, only on the
surface, one plays it just like a child plays being adult. - When we live unconsciously, we are a child. For the “It” there is no age, and the “It” is our real life...
This blending of man and woman is sometimes fatal. - There are people whose “It” rests stuck in doubts, who see everything from 2 sides, who are slaves of a double impression of childhood. - These doubters, I called them foster-kids. And actually all 4 of those I told you about
them own an “It” that at times does not know - whether it is a man or a woman... (G. Groddeck)

Interpretation of dali48
Georg Groddeck (1866 Bad Kösen – 1934 Knonau, near Zurich) was a physician and writer regarded as a pioneer of psychosomatic medicine. With such and other methods the German physician Georg Groddeck, who practiced in Baden-Baden and was the pathfinder of psychosomatic medicine, astonished his numerous listeners and readers. His therapy connects
naturopathic treatment with psychoanalytic, suggestive and hypnotic elements...
Freud mentions Groddeck in The Ego and the Id, crediting him with giving a name to what Freud had already given a local habitation, to wit, the Id...
In contrast to Freud, Groddeck was primarily engaged with the treatment of chronically ill patients. Groddeck is considered by many as a founder of psychosomatic medicine. – His reservations against strict science and orthodox medicine made him an outsider among
psychoanalysts till today...
Toward the end of his life, many colleagues and admirers asked Groddeck to form a society that would promote his ideas. To this request, he would laugh and reply: "Disciples like their master to stay put, whereas I should think anyone a fool who wanted me to say the same thing tomorrow as I said yesterday. If you really want to be my follower, look at life for yourself and tell the world honestly what you see"...
In a talk called “Who is it who knows there is no Ego”, the Zen philosopher Alan Watts said that when people came to Groddeck for analysis, he would give them massage, - and when they came to him for massage, he would give them analysis…
"He was a completely wonderful man because everybody felt calmed by him. - They felt an atmosphere of implicit faith in nature and especially in your own inner nature. - No matter what, there is a wisdom inside you (see intuition, radar, a scanner inside you etc. - d.48) which may seem absurd, but you should trust it"…
Watts mentions that Hermann Graf Keyserling, the Lithuanian philosopher, said that nobody has ever reminded him more of Lao Tse than Groddeck... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“Very interesting post for this morning dali48 ... I never really stopped to realize the fact that we are still children inside ... very much so ... I see that in myself now... the sometimes clinking and needing that extra help that a CHILD EXPECTS ... But within us lives that child always with
the need of nurturing ... I find my child merges at night where tears fill my eyes and pillow like a little one hurt and reaching for the arms of comfort ... This will explain to me my out cries for help .. I know we have to subdue the child , care for the child within but also take responsible action to cure our need to cline ... We really all have the need to be loved all need our hurts resolved if only with a hug , smile or soft word ... I have always felt dali48 that our age by
man-years, are just set by him. We are forever young within our Spirit and Soul ... I love to look into an older persons eyes and see the dance of the youth shinning back at me ...
when someone say's 'how old are you' I say ageless ... see for yourself dali48 go look into your own eyes , take time while you shave , the eyes looking back are young and are dancing, filled with light and beauty ... thanks for your post I have been enlightened”...

04.02.2014 - I Need to Gag You and 19 published Hubs etc. by dali48

dali48 and menaced private tuition since 1989, and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath etc.

I Need to Gag You ... by Dame Scribe on HP
Understanding use of censorship in communication media by government and society...

Comments on HP
Thank you Dame Scribe, for your Hub about Gagging. - Here are my newest experiences: 
"Dear HubPages Team, Where is my Comment to the following Hub? Chinese Herbal Medicine. - The History of Chinese Herbalism ...

And to this reply I received: 
Jerilee Wei Hub Author 2 years ago 
Thanks dali48! Having worked in hospital administration, I'm real sure money has tainted the whole health equation. 

Dame Scribe Hub Author
Hi dali48, I can only hazard a guess that maybe there is a glitch in the system and mail is not going through with 'submit for review' process. I had to wait also. I hope it gets cleared up soon. Thank you for visiting and sharing your comments...

P.S. And what happened suddenly to my 19 published Hubs? Sincerely, dali48"...
Debby Bruck Hub Author
Dear Dali48. ~ Did 19 of your hubs suddenly disappear? One thing I did not mention in the article above concerns the vigilance each member must keep in checking their "links" to other member Hubpages. They disappear left and right because of a violation of one kind or another whereupon the Admins must remove the article. The other mysterious disappearance occurs when the members decides to clean up their store of articles, publish only the top rated ones, or move the best of the best to their personal website or another location. This might explain many missing HPs. The entire internet we know today may be gone tomorrow as the constant transition to upgrade, provide new features or reformat what we have continues. Blessings, Debby

A link to your Hub:
Dear dali48,
Your Hub has been identified as Overly Promotional. If this is the first time you've gotten an email like this, don't worry! You'll have an opportunity to fix your Hub. Overly Promotional means that your Hub:
*Solely or excessively promotes another site *Links more than 2 times to a single domain *Gives a short teaser and a link to "read more" or "continue" *Links to a page that contains largely the same content as your Hub *Contains an RSS feed that directs to the same site as a link within the body of the Hub *Has excessive Amazon or EBay capsules etc…

dali48 on HP
Joined 2 years ago from Germany. Last seen 3 weeks ago. 
Sorry, this user has been banned from HubPages - Why? Reasons? - Legitimation? What do the other Hub authors think? - Where are my published Hubs? - Why are my qualified Comments suddenly "Spam"? - etc. - "Where they ban books & authors - they also ban democracy in the end" ... (dali48, 2018)

Golden Snow
When the right to learn is taken and writers banned, there has to be something terribly wrong ... "Too interesting for some school districts, apparently. The book is regularly assigned to high school classes, and regularly objected to by parents." 

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