Donnerstag, 22. August 2024

22.08.2024 - N.C. Rinpoche and tantra path and changes and anxiety etc.

diary of dali48: 26.06.2019 - Needleman and hazards / Russell and knowledge / C. M. Steiner etc... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and private teaching and writing books and photographing our pet Niki in Erkrath etc.

23.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
Anxiety creates a deep sense of isolation and a lack of wholeness. - The feeling of isolation impels the compulsion to hold on to soothing closeness. - By holding on to it, those greed for possessing is created which produces anxiety to lose. - Anger triggers defensive reactions and generates aggression and anger (whereby our kind of experience solidifies and intensifies the dualistic contrast between "self" and the "other") ...
The exercises of the "Tantra Path" aim to break the artificial boundaries between the spheres of being. - There is no separation between emptiness, energy and form. - We only adhere to the past when the present seems poor, - and if the future gives no reason for hope...
We have to work very hard to stay in the state of frustration. - When the moment comes, when we see that we have created all this terrible uncertainty, irritation, loneliness, anxiety, and depression, - we can suddenly laugh aloud. You can always fall in love again with the same partner, or even into a whole series of different people - that does not make a difference in the end (apart from the fact that the children born from such connections have to be taken care of) ...
We can only experience the continuity of the relationship with one person if we are able to embrace the changes that are taking place all the time. - We can experience the dance of discontinuity with a succession of different partners, - only if we are prepared to encounter the experience of pleasure and pain as if they had the same taste... (N.C. Rinpoche)

Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche (b. 1951) is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher and meditation master. He is the abbot of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Kathmandu, ...

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