Donnerstag, 22. August 2024

22.08.2024 - C. N. Rinpoche and security and transformation and misunderstandings etc.

diary of dali48: 06.06.2019 - Criss and Addictions and Quotes / Kübler-Ross / S. Grof... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and writing diaries & books and photographing flowers etc.

29.12.1997 - Interpretation of dali48
Whoever becomes to someone who renounces the world, who is given up all "secular property" and becomes a monk or a nun. What happens then? - Very simple:
You become completely solid and secure. - Nobody can take away from you the security of nothingness. - You will be like a rock... - powerful and immovable because you are completely mobile...
Of course, death happens at any moment! - We die with respect to the preceding moment and are born into the following. - Death is only terrible if we do not understand it as a process of transformation - which fertilizes life. Without death, in the deepest, general sense of the word, life would have no meaning. - The memory of a yogi is like the butt of a ... - because nothing remains clinging to it for a long time. - We should strive to be good and friendly, - and in a compassionate way deal with the earth. - That would be wonderful. Change can only happen by the interaction between someone who has the ability to explain, - and another who has the ability to understand. - If a doctrine has no connection to the indestructible essence, it falls apart in the course of time by itself. - No inquisitions and witch hunts are required. - Sectarianism and the desire to destroy "heresies" are only symptoms of the own insecurity. - Basically, Buddhism rejects 4 misunderstandings:
Dualism, Monism, Nihilism, and Eternalism! - Dualism means that the Creator and the created are separate from each other. - Monism means that the Creator and the created are one. - Nihilism believes that we have no soul. - Eternalism is convinced that we have a lasting, unchanging core... (NC Rinpoche)
"Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan)
see dali48 and "They should reform (see e.g. Kofi Annan) & sign a treaty in the UN to reduce subsidies for climate-damaging projects and tax excess profits & over-kill arming, - and use this money for reaching the climate targets & for a tiny UBI for the hungry people etc."

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