Mittwoch, 14. August 2024

14.08.2024 - Night Eating Syndrom and nocturnal hunger pangs and therapies etc.

diary of dali48: 27.06.2018 - Steinbeck2 and Hope etc... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and private teaching and writing books and photographing in Erkrath etc.

23.11.2009 - Interpretation by dali48

The research on the "Night Eating Syndrome" is still in its... - Researchers speculate whether it is a bedroom, a dining or affective... - Those affected are under high disease... - Nocturnal hunger pangs lead to massive changes in sleep... - and increased daytime... (Rhine Post, 23.11.2009) 

Night eating disorder tends to lead to weight... - The disorder is accompanied by what sufferers describe as an uncontrollable desire to... - The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, has shown some ability to help NES... - Therapy to increase the natural nocturnal rise in melatonin, reduce the body's adrenal stress response and raise levels or improve leptin sensitivity are options that may help these patients overcome the... - Another key may involve the availability of tryptophan, an important amino acid, in the... - More than 70% of the nighttime eating to combat anxiety involved binging on... - These foods are believed to increase the amount of tryptophan available for conversion to serotonin, the calming neurotransmitter in the... - that promotes an overall sense of well-being... - in turn, converts to... (Wikipedia)
How do you treat NES?
Behavioral and light therapies
  • Behavior therapy. Therapies traditionally used for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders, such as behavior therapy, may also be adapted to successfully treat NES. ...
  • Progressive muscle relaxation. ...
  • Phototherapy.

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