Mittwoch, 14. August 2024

14.08.2024 - Ernst Bloch and philosophy of hope and Nazi threat etc.

diary of dali48: 31.07.2018 - Zodiac Sign Pisces3 and Compatible Signs... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

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Interpretation by dali48

Ernst Bloch - philosopher of hope: the human being is a being of lack for E.B. - But one that has the ability to design utopia from this... - This "principle of hope"...
"Hope is the opposite of naive..." - Bloch approves as well the utopian content to... - But as most religions promise the fulfillment of its utopias to the faithful only for the afterlife...
In the GDR - he lost his job and was in isolation...
He is one of the few German... - who didn't yearn for WW I - and went into... - in Switzerland in 1917 as a pacifist. - His first great work "spirit of utopia" - he had just finished. Early Bloch also recognized the Nazi threat - in Germany and wrote...
When Bloch was surprised by the construction of the wall (see 1961 etc. - d.48) during a visit to West Germany, he decided to stay in the... - and took a visiting professorship in Tübingen. - Then he was 76 years old...
On 4.8.1977, at the age of 92 years, he felt weak in the... - lay down to rest, and didn't... - Although Bloch's writings in the 60s and 70s, similar to that of Benjamin, Adorno and Marcuse - belonged to the basic equipment of each student...
In any case, Bloch was a philosopher who would not remain without consequences, but tried to encourage people in the search for a livable future... (Rhine Post, 08.01.2010)

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