Mittwoch, 14. August 2024

14.08.2024 - Copenhagen 2009 and Climate Change and NASA, and 2024 / Coronavirus 2020 / #Klimaschutz etc.

see dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

From Copenhagen 2009 to... ?

Global Warming Causes Human Migration etc...
Into this population, people will migrate form Greenland, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and possibly India and even as far away as from China. As the shorelines erode and the deserts widen, people will move inward toward the EU ... (P. Inglish)

2010 in Bonn and Mexico, there were the following climate conferences ...
There is polluted air (see e.g. BeijingAir ‏@BeijingAir etc. - d.48) despite environmental zones. More and more cities are establishing environmental zones: In Bonn and Münster driving bans will be established in 2011 etc.

Leibniz: "When I woke up I had so many ideas - that the day was not enough to write it down" ...

Pilot whales beached in New Zealand - 125 animals dead (see noise in the sea by sonar etc. - d.48) ... "You could see the pain and suffering in their eyes" ...

A scenario that will promote global warming and set the course (because of sea level rise on the plains and the melting of icebergs at the north and south pole) for powerful storms and droughts - which could lead to hunger - climate change and cause sour rain. A haze, also known as "Asian Brown Cloud" - is known and about 3 km wide, is probably the cause of 1000 deaths in South Asia in 2001. Of immediate concern is the severe pollution due to the reliance on fossil fuels...
Deforestation on Haiti, an island nation in the Caribbean, reported that it has a history of deforestation - Plagued by social and population problems, the forests are under threat in fact. Mudslides smother thousands of lives - a testament to the impact of the massive deforestation in the country. Deforestation by "kaingin" or deforestation and slash and burn agriculture - growing populations and illegal logging deforest our forests - which protect us from floods - and provide habitat for different animal species - causing mudslides - soil erosion and landslides ... (Gen. Howitzer)

There is a huge difference whether global warming is accelerating naturally or artificially. - Nature knows what it is doing or can only do what is provided by the "Gods" (see cosmological principles etc. - d.48). Man on the other hand does not know what he is doing and what will be the consequences of his actions (see Sorcerer's Apprentice etc. – d.48) …
"The Serengeti shall not die"...
The same is true for medicinal plants - biodiversity, etc...
Drinking water polluters and abusers - should be treated similarly to the poisoners of wells in the Middle Ages...
Destructive operations - can be as vicious as "idleness" etc...
The problem is not only the poor and the rich - but the indiscriminate distribution of resources regarding breathing air, drinking water, food, etc. - and the progressive destruction of the environment - see global warming, etc... (dali48)

COP 15: World leaders defend climate science...
Marian Wilkinson
08 Dec, 2009 04:58 PM
... global warming was almost certainly a result of human activities ... call for deeper cuts in greenhouse gases from wealthy nations ... Direct Govt investment in renewable energy (42.9%)?

Google Launches Deforestation Tool to Make Trees More Valuable Alive Than Dead
by Jaymi Heimbuch, San Francisco, California on 12.11.2009
Science & Technology

After going through your materials I managed to build 2 solar panels for under $100! They are just small panels but this is all I need for the lighting and fridge in my courtyard.
Kim C.
Sydney, AU.

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Climate change etc...

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Einfach noch mehr Klimaaktivist:innen einzusperren während man Nazis beim Marschieren zuschaut scheint nicht die perfekte Lösung gegen die #Klimakatastrophe zu sein.

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