Samstag, 13. Juli 2024

13.07.2024 - Relationships / Private life / Language & literature / Brodsky's reputation etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
A relationship, whether professional or personal, even if it is only a friendship and not a romance, is always difficult and usually ends badly, especially if one of the two has more auto-rotation than the other! ... For a child, the family is the world and to abandon it is to destroy the world and drag everyone down with it! ... (S. Forward)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
For someone who is more private, for someone who has all his life preferred his private life to a role of social importance ... far from his homeland, to say the least, because it is better to be a complete failure in democracy than a martyr or the crème de la crème of tyranny ... (J. Brodsky, Nobel L.)

Many things can be shared: a bed, a piece of bread, beliefs, a lover, but not a poem by, say, R.M. Rilke ... The philosophy of the state, its ethics - not to mention its aesthetics - are always "yesterday"! Language and literature are always "today"! ... They can even be "tomorrow"! ... But it seems to me that a book is more reliable as an interlocutor than a friend or a lover ... A novel or a poem is not a monologue, but the conversation, I repeat, the very private, excluding all others - if you will, mutually misanthropic ... because a novel or a poem is the product of mutual loneliness - of an author or reader ... We are powerless when it comes to its worst injury: that of not reading the books ... that we used to breathe the same air, eat the same fish, get soaked by the same - sometimes - radioactive rain, bathe in the same sea and get bored by the same conifers. Depending on the wind, the clouds that I saw from my window, you already saw, or vice versa! ... (J. Brodsky)

As a poet, Brodsky was largely traditional and classical. He treated moral, religious and historical themes, often using mythological allusions ... I, who am writing these lines, will cease to exist; as will you, who are reading them. But the language in which they are written and in which you read them will remain... Brodsky began to despise Lenin already when he was in first grade... because of his ubiquitous images that plagued almost every school textbook, classroom wall, stamps, money and whatever, and he read such Western authors as Kafka, Proust and Faulkner by Polish translations. In the 1960s he also translated “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles into Russian. His poems appeared in “samizdat” (in secret circulation) editions but were widely read. Brodsky's reputation made him a target of the secret police and he was condemned as a “social parasite”... “Who classified me as a member of the human race?” Brodsky was committed to a mental institution... (Pegasus Authors' Calendar)

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