Samstag, 13. Juli 2024

13.07.2024 - Apache Indians / Population explosion / The earth's climate / Prophecies / Pollen / Bhagwan (Osho) etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The disease (see e.g. AIDS in the 80s, Coronavirus 2020 etc. - d.48) will come from monkeys, drugs and sex. They will destroy people from within, turning a simple disease into a killer disease. Humanity will bring this disease upon itself as a result of their own lives, their worship of sex and drugs and a life far away from nature (see alienation, see H. Marcuse etc - d.48) ... They will then be faced with the choice of whether to continue the old path of destruction (see environment, see "flora & fauna" etc. - d.48), or whether to return to the philosophy of the earth and a simpler existence (see e.g. nuns and monks etc - d.48) ... (Stalking Wolf, Apache Indians, 1920)

Im Januar 2020 entwickelte sich die Krankheit zur Epidemie in China und am 11. März 2020 erklärte die WHO die bisherige Epidemie offiziell zu einer weltweiten Pandemie. Verursacht wird die Erkrankung durch eine Infektion mit dem bis dahin unbekannten Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

Wo ist der Apache-Stamm heute? Heute gibt es Apache-Gruppen in Oklahoma, Arizona und New Mexico . In den Vereinigten Staaten gibt es heute 13 verschiedene Apache-Stämme. Die modernen Apachen setzen sich immer noch dafür ein, dass die wahre Geschichte ihres Stammes und ihrer Geschichte erzählt wird.12.02.2023

There are changes in the seasons and the weather (also noticed by me in the immediate surroundings with astonishment - recorded in my diaries - and thought about it etc. - d.48) ...

Population explosion in Asia (2015): Bombay (Mumbai) approx. 25 million, Karachi, Calcutta, Delhi, Dhaka, Shanghai, Beijing, Manila, Jakarta approx. 15 million ... (Financial Times, June 19, 2001)

The current population of Asia is 4,786,001,215 as of Friday, July 12, 2024, based on the latest United Nations estimates. Asia population is equivalent to 59.22% of the total world population. Asia ranks number among regions of the world (roughly equivalent to "continents"), ordered by population.

The earth's climate is changing more rapidly and more strongly (see TV, Internet etc. - d.48) than previously feared! ... (Spiegel, July 16, 2001)

The global mean temperature for the past twelve months (Feb 2023 – Jan 2024) is the highest on record, at 0.64°C above the 1991-2020 average and 1.52°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average.08.02.2024

As a consequence: desertification, water shortages, holes in the ozone layer, extinction of species, forest die-back (see heat waves & flooding etc. - d.48) ... (S. Berndt, Prophecies)

18.12.2023 — 2024 laut Nostradamus: Ein neuer Papst, Harry auf dem Thron und Krieg mit China

Thursday, January 31, 2008
January 22, 2001

Interpretation by dali48
Pollen is normally obtained in a cruel way; the bees have to release their wings and legs during this procedure. On the ranch (in Oregon), however, a filter developed in Korea was used, which enabled a plenty of pollen to be selected in a careful way! ... (Thoden / Schmidt)

“The world as we know it will end on December 22, 2012” ... (Prophet of the Maya)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Bhagwan (Osho) assumes that people’s expectation of being happy through others is completely wrong ... He (Osho) was overcome by a deep melancholy, which was all the more difficult for him to bear because he could not confide in anyone: “I was in a state of complete darkness. It was as if I had fallen into a deep, black well” (see depression etc. - d.48) ... (Thoden)

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