Samstag, 13. Juli 2024

13.07.2024 - “Wu-wei” & “Tao” & Our existence & Myriad of conditions & Past & Future etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
“Wu-wei”, i.e. acting by not intervening, by letting things happen. It is the ability to leave the control of life to that power which is a dimension of ourselves and which Lao Tzu once called the “Tao” ... (T. Fischer)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Our existence today is tied to a myriad of conditions. We seem to be free, but deep down we feel that this freedom is a fallacy, that we are bound at every turn ... What you think is reality has no relation to objective reality! ... Ingenious solutions (to our life problems) are usually impressive because of their simplicity! ... Get used to not wandering around with your senses in the past or the future, but always and constantly staying in the here and now! ... Ideas and views of the future are also rooted in experiences that you have had in the past. As soon as such an observation (bird in front of the window or cat, etc.) is free of accompanying thoughts, you become identical with the effectiveness of the "Tao" ... When you have learned to spend your days like this (Wu-wei), your life will be like the best time of your childhood: Without worries, free of conflicts, forgetting yesterday, knowing nothing about tomorrow, once dwelling in the present, full of happiness and serenity. This is the art of living, this is living in the spirit of the "Tao" ... You find support in your partnership, in your job, in your everyday, entrenched habits ... When the security structure that is fighting for us breaks down, then we stand there naked, like a mussel that has been robbed of its protective shell. The person to whom this happens - and it happens all over the world every day (see e.g. tsunami in the Indian Ocean on January 26, 2004 etc. - d.48) must then realize that he has built on sand! ... The actual, permanent power is held by large-scale industry, by banks and insurance companies with their multi-shareholdings, which enforce the entire economic system despite all the antitrust laws. - These cannot be elected by anyone ... We only receive a very strong, censored picture of reality! ... Another way of escaping from reality is to belong to organizations and religious communities ... You close your eyes and look away from the horrors and the nonsense that is happening in your own country! ... We must not recognize any authority, no one who tells us how we should be or how we should become! ... (T. Fischer)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008 

Interpretation by dali48
As soon as you have let go of everything that is burdening you, let the authority of the "Tao" unravel things, and just live here and now, there is very little material left for your thoughts to work on. -Peace will come into your mind and spirit. - The past will not stick to you like glue, and the future will have lost its terror and uncertainty. - Because soon you will know from experience – for a person of the “Tao” there is nothing to believe. – He will learn that his affairs are in good hands ... (T. Fischer)

Theo Fischer war über zwanzig Jahre lang Managementberater, bis er seinen Beruf aufgab und begann, sich mit dem Daoismus zu beschäftigen. Sein erstes Buch «Wu wei, die Lebenskunst des Tao», wurde zum Bestseller, ihm folgten weitere erfolgreiche Bücher. Bei rororo erschienen «Wu Wei. Fragen und Antworten», «Yu wei. ... Google Books

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