Montag, 8. Juli 2024

08.07.2024 - V. Zotz / Buddha / T.N.H. / Causes of death / A serious problem / H. pylori / Body and mind etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
But the people of the new agricultural and urban culture no longer had the direct relationship to the gods who exercise the forces of nature that previous generations of the cattle-breeding community had... (V. Zotz)

An ignorant person who is himself subject to old age, illness and death, without being able to escape them, is depressed, horrified and disgusted when he sees an old person, a sick person, a dead person. However, he does not think of himself. But I too am subject to old age, illness and death and cannot escape them. As I thought this, the intoxication of youth, health and life vanished from me! ... Freedom from possessions and ties appeared to Gautama, like many warriors, as the alternative to a freedom in wealth and power whose days were numbered! ... (Buddha)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
A church in which people treat each other unkindly or oppress each other is not a true church. The Holy Spirit is not present there ... Are today's churches in contact with the poor and oppressed, or do they prefer to be with the rich and powerful? - Do the churches practice non-violence and social justice, or do they side with governments that practice violence and hatred? ... (T.N.H.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Causes of death in Germany: 
1. Heart attack = 30.7% (approx. 1/3, it follows for me: change of diet and avoidance of stress etc. – d.48); 
2. Cancer = 24.7% (approx. 1/4, it follows change of diet and emotional hygiene, anti-stress program and sport etc. – d.48); 
3. Stroke = 11.4% (approx. 1/9, it follows 1. and 2. etc. – d.48) ... (Rhine Post, 05.09.2000)

There is a serious problem in our society. We can send emails and faxes all over the world, but we don't speak to our family or our neighbors. There is an inner emptiness within us, and we try to fill it with eating, reading, talking, smoking, drinking, TV, cinema and even workaholism. We must find a cure for our illness! ...(T.N.H.) 

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Helicobacter pylori: Clarithromycin + Amoxicillin or Metronidazole,
antibiotics against intestinal bacteria, stomach ulcers, etc. (Rhine Post, 07.09.2000)

Treatment guidelines being prepared for release in 2024 are expected to change first- and second-line Hpylori regimens

Keeping your body and mind healthy is a friendly service to all beings... “There is so much pain and loneliness inside you, and the consumption of alcohol and drugs lets you forget this for a while” (see as alternative: sport, psycho-therapy, etc. – d.48) ... If so many families are destroyed, then the fabric of society is torn ... (T.N.H.)

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