Montag, 8. Juli 2024

08.07.2024 - Buddha / Hippocrates / Risk factors / Feelings & experience / Hurtful reality / S. Das / B. Aschner etc. /

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
As he (Buddha) had separated himself from luxury, he now left the painful practices of the salvation-seeking “Sramans” behind him. In his opinion, a middle path out of the suffering of transience that avoids the extremeness of worldliness and renunciation ... (V. Zotz)

The true doctors bow before the deity, because in their own art they have few tools ... (Hippocrates)

Risk factors that most often lead to death: Smoking, alcohol, medication (too much), overeating, lack of exercise, driving, ambition, the search for money and prestige. Epidemological studies have clearly shown this ... (H. Schaefer)

In order to motivate behavioral change, it is not enough to just address thinking and reason, the world of feelings and experience must also be addressed ... (S. Das)

There are illnesses in which the patient has not fled in order to escape reality, but rather he needs it in order to protect himself from a hurtful reality and to become healthy ... (D. Beck)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
"Pleasure without regret" - even in love - modern sexual behavior has a clear consumer character: As often and as much as possible with different partners. Promiscuity is the cause of the rapid spread of the new epidemic AIDS (see ca. 1% of frequency of Alzheimer's etc. - d.48) ... 
Sickness-causing behaviors arise from: Too much food, too many stimulants (see cigarettes, alcohol, etc. – d.48), too many medicines, too much stress (see bullying-noise, being hectic, etc. - d.48), too much free time (boredom or risky behavior, etc.), lack of exercise (too much sitting, etc.), softening (see too comfortable life-style, etc. – d.48) ... (S. Das)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
Fasting, sweating, purging are the most sensible and successful therapy and serve to generally cleanse fluids and tissues ... (S. Das)

Anyone who always keeps their inner surfaces (intestines and lungs) and their outer surfaces (skin) in an active, well-functioning condition has the best chance of always remaining healthy and living a long life ... (B. Aschner)

Bernhard Aschner (* 27. Januar 1883 in Wien; † 9. März 1960 in New York City) war ein österreichischer Gynäkologe und Geburtshelfer, Endokrinologe und Medizinhistoriker.
How to heal your gut for clear skin?Start by focusing on your diet. Balanced and super food items can help to heal your gut, almost as if by magic: Eat Right. Add healthy food items like fiber, plant-based food, wholegrain, pulses, fruits, and green leafy vegetables like broccoli to your diet and cut out processed food items.17.02.2023
Mucous membrane contact area: intestines approx. 300 m², breathing approx. 80-120 m², skin approx. 2 m² ... Today's chronic systemic diseases are characterized by the impotence of the defense systems - including cancer! - They remain chronic and continue to degenerate if it is not possible to relieve the basic system and activate the immune system! ... The intestine is the root of the human plant. The micro-world within us is just as endangered and disturbed as the macro-world around us! ... 
Without approximately: 1. Air (3 min.), 2. Water (3 days), 3. Food (30 days)! ... Alongside the heart and brain, the kidneys are the organ with the most blood flow (see massage, warming, exercise, etc. - d.48)!

What are the 5 vital organs of the human body?
They are the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The locations of these five organs and several other internal organs are shown in Figure 10.4. 2. If any of the five vital organs stops functioning, the death of the organism is imminent without medical intervention.13.12.2021

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