Montag, 8. Juli 2024

08.07.2024 - J.v.d. Wetering and Zen / F. Nietzsche, 1876 / J. Seifert & Nobel L. etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Friday, February 29, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
The master's goal is to get the egocentric lazybones to the point where they stop playing around with their masks ... (J.v.d. Wetering)

"Do you think the tent could have tainted Buddhist dogma?" asked Roshi ... My body, made up of air, water, fire and earth, has disintegrated. For years it had done its work in all its incredible complexity, but then some microbe caused an irreparable imbalance, or a bullet or knife destroyed a vital organ, or cancer cells grew, or I hung it up in a fit of final over-pressure. Whatever happened, the organism no longer works. The act of physical dying is complete. - There are many small ends, there are no big ends. 
"When the Dalai Lama smiles, the seals bark on my coast." That's a "koan" ... "A polar bear farts, sparrows fall from the roof in Kyoto" (see everything is connected to everything etc. - d.48) ...
We invented each other, we misunderstood each other, we simply created ideas about each other that are not real. Was it really real? Probably, Hume suspected, - nothing! Perhaps only a void, "the void" that contains our ideas, is real ... (D. Hume, 1711 - 1776)
When he died of colon cancer at the age of 65, he wrote to his friends cheerfully "I now expect a speedy dissolution. When a man of my age dies, he only misses a few years of sickly infirmity" ... 

"What do you want to be?" - "I don't want to be anything, great-grandpa." - "You're lucky, my dear, you're already nothing"... (Hakuin)

As long as I continued to believe in values, I was doomed to blame "God", gods, creators, parents, authorities, even "roshis and senseis" and, albeit reluctantly, myself, for what I thought was "not right" ... (J.v.d. Wetering)

Happiness comes to the lucky. There is no merit in it. "Are you one of God's faults or is God one of yours?" ... 
Life has no intrinsic value, nor does it lack it, it is always only man who is concerned with evaluating life ... (F.Nietzsche, 1876)

Even if a holocaust becomes so terrible that we are tempted to shout "God is dead" (see "the king is dead" etc. – d.48), we will recreate it in another form, because we cannot bear to live without an ego structure ... Heaven awaits all slaves, losers only for now ... Let us not waste time being moral or immoral. Let us just be! Amorality produces considerate, kind beings ... The rule is to invite each other to eat, instead of opening fire at the tiny silhouette ... "Have you eaten yet, stranger?" ... 
The greatest events are not our loudest, but our quietest hours ... (F. Nietzsche)

"Only daily life," said Baba, and "a little mindfulness!" ... I told him that his sexual desire, first frustrated, then perverted, helped to ruin the Buddhist center where I had studied ... 

Friday, February 29, 2008 

Interpretation by dali48
Not only was Catholicism restored by force, but Germanization was also enforced by force! ... Our language became our most important means of expressing our national identity ... Poetry was one of the first of our literary genres to come to life. It became a decisive factor in our cultural and political awakening ... It is as if poetry, lyric poetry, were predestined not only to speak to people very closely and intimately, but also to be our deepest and safest refuge where we seek support in the adversities we experience. I sometimes don't even dare to name it ... (J. Seifert, Nobel L.)

We have stylized our society in a way that corresponds neither to the perception of the affects nor to reason. The result is a disintegration of the affects and a silencing of reason ... (C. F. v. Weizsäcker)

It is a state of mind in which our will strives to become master of everything, instead of allowing us to find joy in things without bringing them under our control ... When entire societies are infected by these vices, they may accomplish amazing things, but they become increasingly incapable of solving the most elementary problems of everyday life ... What is needed is a "revolution of the mind and the heart!" ... (J. Seifert)

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