Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024

03.07.2024 - V.E. Frankl etc. / Glaeske / Günther / Keller etc. / Bild der Wissenschaft etc. / Economic crisis today etc.

dali48 and teaching & writing books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
So my conviction that feelings can be much more sensitive than reason is also valid in psychiatric diagnostic methods! ... (V. Frankl)

Unemployment rose, the environmental damage from the reconstruction period became obvious, ecological disasters and wars contradicted the "good mood" as a lifestyle.
Many psychiatrists see this incompatibility of individual wishes and goals on the one hand and the real living conditions on the other as the reason for more and more depressive illnesses! ...
(Glaeske / Günther / Keller) 

The question is not: "Why am I suffering?", but: "For what?"... Especially today, when fears about the future and a crisis of meaning among young people - and not only them - are more pronounced than possibly ever before! ... (Bild der Wissenschaft)

In this sense, the book provides real help in life, and euthanasia. There are situations in which one can say: Where all words would be too few, there every word is too much! ... 

In contrast to the 1930s, the economic crisis today (see e.g. "Banking Crisis" 2008 etc. - d.48) can be traced back to an energy crisis (see oil crisis, 1973/74 etc. - d.48) ...
Experiment in a canton in Switzerland (1981): no report on suicides in the media (TV, newspapers, radio) for 1 year; the suicide rate fell by 90% (d.f. for me: television etc. tempts people to imitate, especially children and young people, it means for me: as little destructive news as possible - instead constructive literature, diaries, music, films etc. - d.48) ... 

The 2 factors of heritage and environment (milieu) correspond to blood and soil (see Nazi ideology etc. - d.48) cannot grasp people - let alone change them! ... (V.E. Frankl)--

Germany still most distressed market, Spain and Italy look up. Germany is still the most distressed country in Europe, with consumers and businesses alike shying away from new investments, as the cost of living crisis and the lingering effects of the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war continue.16.04.2024

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