Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2024

03.07.2024 - diary3 and Ayya Khema and Truth & Buddha & Every day & Suffering & Let go etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and cycling & photographing in Erkrath etc.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
For this purpose, let go of something for a moment that you think is yours, e.g. something that you enjoy doing, that you like or that you think is important. Examine it again and again until you realize how fleeting it is. Then at some point you will say to yourself: "I don't need it at all. I can get by without it." That is the moment of truth! (Ayya Khema)

Permanent irritation: We are constantly under attack from all those things and phenomena that we 
1. hear, 2. see, 3. smell, 4. taste, 5. touch and 6. think ... 
Buddha could clearly see at any moment that all beings suffer because they desire and cling ... Happiness is not a coincidence. Nor is it dependent on external conditions. And peace is not a piece of paper, not a treaty that the UN could sign. Peace is always a state of being, an inner attitude to life that is based on letting go, on renunciation... 
We do not have to worry about what might happen to us after death. It is better to worry about the now and the moment of death. We can do something with that, because it is accessible to us, not an incomprehensible idea like all the ideas that surround life after death. But we can only experience it if we give up everything, one thing at a time. A little something every day... 
Only if we learn something new have we used the day for the purpose for which it was given to us. The breakthrough to wisdom (see e.g. nirvana etc. - d.48), that is the only meaning of our life. Every day is our whole life! ... (A. Khema)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interpretation by dali48
We must take into account the rhythm of life of others. We need harmony, a certain feeling of belonging together. Without this, human coexistence is not possible! ... But this feeling of belonging together often collapses in the very first moment because the individual is not in harmony with himself, is not at peace with himself, is not in tune with his own rhythm of life. The world and we (outside and inside) are one and the same. There is absolutely no difference. There is no other task than to create inner harmony! ... Love, emotional independence, satisfaction with ourselves, with the people we are. Harmony is not based on our craving for love and recognition. On the contrary: we give recognition and love. It is so simple and it works! ... 
Wrong strategies for dealing with suffering: 
1. Running away, because suffering is in the heart and is therefore everywhere; 
2. blame others for it (scapegoat syndrome); 
3. become depressed. The only two causes of suffering are the greed to want something or to get rid of something we don't want. Desire and suffering are mutually dependent. It follows that you have to let go of desire in order not to suffer! (A. Khema)

Ayya Khema war eine buddhistische Nonne in der Theravada-Tradition. Wikipedia

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