Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024

16.06.2024 - Humans and Nature and Food Industry and Clean Fifteen™ etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing books and photographing and cycling in Erkrath etc.

14.02.2014 - Humans and Nature etc. by dali48

24/08/2000 - Interpretation of dali48
Practice no profession - which is harmful to humans and nature… Many of the modern industries are harmful to man and nature (see animals, plants, etc. – d.48), even the food industry... The chemical poisons that are used by the modern farmer harm the environment (and with it humans or animals etc.
- d.48)... The act of killing is a collective. In our carelessness we separate ourselves from the work of the butcher (it follows for me: Striving for more vegetarian meals to reduce meat since the 80s etc. - d.48)... 
(Thich Nhat Hanh)

see wgg shared Monsanto Exposed's photo - Why bees are dying by the billions etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and Change of Diet in the 80s etc...
see dali48 and Fruit and Veggies and Health etc...

Golden Snow
“dali48 It feels as if we are living in a world where everyone wants to turn their backs on the fact that we are all suffering from the effects of chemicals ... where once our food was grown in our backyards or our farmer friends ... now a greed to export and import foods has become an obsession of pure greed around the world ... setting aside the need for better health ... awareness of this mad use of chemicals is killing of our wild life as well... everyone and everything is suffering ... specially the over use of meats
which demand has brought abuse of all livestock ... heart breaking and over looked too long”...

Was bedeutet die Clean-15-Liste?
Aus diesem Grund enthält der EWG-Einkaufsführer zu Pestiziden in Erzeugnissen auch die Clean Fifteen™, eine Liste der Obst- und Gemüsesorten mit sehr geringen oder keinen Pestizidrückständen .20.03.2024

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