Freitag, 14. Juni 2024

14.06.2024 - Zen & let go and Stress & change etc. by dali48

dali48 and visiting and photographing and biking along river Neckar in Stuttgart etc.

10.02.2014 – Zen and Let go etc… by dali48

Interpretation of dali48
A morning with Zen is a good morning, - every day is a good day, - no matter how rough it might be…
Zen is as free as a bird - that flies, like the fish - swimming, the lily - which blooms... (D. T. Suzuki)

This cultural denial of death has meant that many of us grow up with great fear of dying. - Through the glorification of violent films and TV, - this image of death has been particularly emphasized as a frightening prospect... Our emotional attachment to give up - does not mean that we automatically turn away from the relationships, roles, opinions or material things in our lives, - it is rather that we let go our need to cling to it... Living in the present means - that we must always be able to let go, - and start over again... (C. Grof)

Golden Snow
“Enjoying and learning more, stress is so promote in our lives that we need to learn what to keep and what to let go ... leading a stressful life causes illness ... illness causes a change of life that is a dark and scary road ... thanks for your wise post dali48”...

Tags on HP:
• let go
• emotional attachment
• fear of dying
• fishes swimming
• glorification
• flowers blooming
• zen day
• d. t. suzuki
• cultural denial of death
• c. grof
• dali48
• birds flying
• start over again

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