Freitag, 14. Juni 2024

14.06.2024 - Dissociative Defense and Survival strategies and Experiences etc.

dali48 and teaching and writing books and photographing at Lake Morper in Erkrath etc.

11.02.2014 - Dissociative Defense and Survival strategies etc. by dali48 

24.04.2001 - Interpretation of dali48
If our relationships get off track, - we all tend to blame our partners or associates for it (rather than take over about 50% of the guilt ourselves etc. - d.48)... We all have to protect ourselves better and maintain our emotional and physical boundaries, until we know, – not hope that things will go well...
Some of us are so hungry for love that they give too much too soon. - We open our hearts, our doors, our fridge and sometimes even our checkbook. - We hardly set boundaries and keep back little or nothing. - We let new people too quickly in our lives. - We don’t protect ourselves enough. - We give more than is required of us. - We risk too much in the name of love... If you are changing for the better, - your relationships will also be better... The patients get the intense, delusional belief that the sub-personalities are separate beings. - It is a therapeutic balancing act to accept Dissociative Defense (elimination of
non-integrated parts of people) the one hand as a survival strategy, - on the other, to teach that all sub-personalities belong to a single person and that this is a shared responsibility… (P. Lambert)

Such patients have experienced the worst traumas of relationship from early childhood, - and have therefore great difficulties to engage in a trusting relationship. - They grew up in a family system with extreme violence and arbitrariness of experience. - They had no way to a feeling of self-determination or develop skills. - Permanent transgressions were common, and are internalized as a relationship style...
When we made too many negative experiences, - we lose the courage to love... (Carter / Sokol)

Golden Snow
“Passing on the blame is so easy dali48, but to take responsibility for ones actions to having courage, you are right taking 50% of the guilt would be the right and fair way ... when we open our hearts to others we are fair game to be taken advantage of ... a risk that we take ... we just have to be sure we are not being taken advantage of ... sometimes is hard to see ... great post thanks”...

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