Montag, 9. September 2024

09.09.2024 - E. B. Hall / A. Einstein / S. Ortoli / N. Witkowski / T. L. Peacock / Nobel Prize in Literature etc.

diary of dali48: 17.06.2019 - dali48 and eating and fruit and veggies and... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and writing books and photographing in BAD, 8/2010 etc.

Interpretation of dali48
I am not of your opinion, but I will defend your right to express yourself - until death (really? - d.48)... (M. Barnett)

What is self-evident - can not be expressed at all... (A. Einstein)

How many scientists are victims of the terrible "butterfly effect"? ... (S. Ortoli / N. Witkowski)

The motivation of the scientists is neither curiosity nor the welfare of mankind - but pure striving for power, and they are delivered to a blind progress according to the whim of politicians and business leaders... - I come to the conclusion that the real destiny of science is the eradication of the Human race... (TL Peacock, 1860)

(Original en: "I disapprove of what you saybut I will defend to the death your right to say it." - The Friends of Voltaire. With Portraits. Smith Elder & Co. London ...
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born scientist. ... Before his job, Einstein thought that Isaac Newton's idea of gravity was not ...
Nicolas Witkowski (* 29. September 1949 in Échauffour) ist ein französischer Physiker, Lehrer, Wissenschaftsjournalist, Übersetzer und Herausgeber. Zusammen mit dem Physiker Sven Ortoli brachte Witwowski sein bisher ...
Thomas Love Peacock (18 October 1785 – 23 January 1866) was an English novelist, poet, ..... In 1860 he still showed vigour by the publication in Fraser's Magazine of Gryll Grange, his last novel. In the same year he added the appendix of ...
Notable works‎: ‎Nightmare Abbey‎ (1818); ‎Crotc...
Died‎: ‎23 January 1866 (aged 80); ‎Lower Hallif...
Born‎: ‎18 October 1785; ‎Weymouth, Dorset‎, En...
Nationality‎: ‎British
see dali48 and reading & writing about the Nobel Prize in Literature from 1957 Albert Camus to Fosse (2023) etc.
Camus (1957) | Pasternak (1958) | Quasimodo (1959) | Perse (1960) | Andrić (1961) | Steinbeck (1962) | Seferis (1963) | Sartre (1964) | Scholochow (1965) | Agnon/Sachs (1966) | Asturias (1967) | Kawabata (1968) | Beckett (1969) | Solschenizyn (1970) | Neruda (1971) | Böll (1972) | White (1973) | Johnson/Martinson (1974) | Montale (1975) | Bellow (1976) | Aleixandre (1977) | Singer (1978) | Elytis (1979) | Miłosz (1980) | Canetti (1981) | García Márquez (1982) | Golding (1983) | Seifert (1984) | Simon (1985) | Soyinka (1986) | Brodsky (1987) | Mahfuz (1988) | Cela (1989) | Paz (1990) | Gordimer (1991) | Walcott (1992) | Morrison (1993) | Ōe (1994) | Heaney (1995) | Szymborska (1996) | Fo (1997) | Saramago (1998) | Grass (1999) | Gao (2000) | Naipaul (2001) | Kertész (2002) | Coetzee (2003) | Jelinek (2004) | Pinter (2005) | Pamuk (2006) | Lessing (2007) | Le Clézio (2008) | Müller (2009) | Vargas Llosa (2010) | Tranströmer (2011) | Mo (2012) | Munro (2013) | Modiano (2014) | Alexijewitsch (2015) | Dylan (2016) | Ishiguro (2017) | Tokarczuk (2018) | Handke (2019) | Glück (2020) | Gurnah (2021) | Ernaux (2022) | Fosse (2023)

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