Montag, 2. September 2024

02.09.2024 - Sogyal Rinpoche and transience and fear and dream and truth etc.

diary of dali48: 19.06.2019 - Boff and theology / Frei Betto / Catherine of Siena / ... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and writing diary & books and photographing "flora & fauna" in Wickrath etc.

24.01.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
Because transience is equal to us with pain, we cling desperately to things - although they are constantly changing...
We are afraid to let go, - we are afraid to really live - because learning how to live is called to learn to let go...
There is a tragic comedy in our convulsive clinging:
It is not only in vain, - it gives us exactly the pain that we want to avoid at any cost...
Some people only notice when the separation threatens, how much they really love their partner. - Then they cling to him even more firmly. But the harder they cling - the more the partner slips away, and the relationship becomes even more fragile...
If everything is transient, then everything is also "empty" in the following sense:
Nothing has a lasting, stable, and inherent existence. - All things, properly speaking and understood, do not exist independently, but depend on one another...
So when we look at ourselves, and the things that surround us - which we have deemed to be so solid, and stable, - we find that they have not more reality than a dream...
When everything dies and changes, what is really true? - Is there something behind the phenomena, a boundless and endless expanse in which this whole dance of transience and change takes place? - Is not there something reliable that survives the so-called death?
Saints and mystics of all times have adorned their insights and achievements with different names - but all also experience the essential nature of the spirit...
Christians and Jews call them "God" - Hindus call them "the Self", "Shiva", "Brahman" and "Vishnu", Sufi mystics call them "the hidden essence", and Buddhists "Buddha Nature"...
In the heart of all religions lies the certainty that there is a fundamental truth - and that this life is a sanctified possibility - to develop yourself, and to recognize and realize this truth...
It is perhaps the darkest and most disturbing aspect of modern civilization - that it does not take account of what we actually are, - and even suppresses it... (S. Rinpoche)

Sogyal Rinpoche is a Tibetan Dzogchen lama of the Nyingma tradition. Before his retirement, in the wake of abuse allegations in 2017, he had been teaching for ...
Reincarnation‎: ‎Tertön Sogyal
School‎: ‎Dzogchen‎, ‎Nyingma
Children‎: ‎Yeshe Gyaltsen

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