Montag, 2. September 2024

02.09.2024 - M. Messegue and Herbs & Liver complaints, Digestion, Heart, Insomnia etc.

diary of dali48: 21.06.2018 - Blackstrap molasses2 and hollistic med... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

Collection of photos by dali48 on Google etc.

13.07.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
The Côte d'Azur is teeming with... - There are not enough patients to feed all the doctors... - therefore they spend their time trying to...
In medicine, the law of the jungle - applies here... (M. Messegue)

For liver complaints: liver packs with herbs (see liver and bile-tea etc)...
It's funny, when you consider - that a beggar has laid the foundation to my... - don't you think so?
On Sunday you fill yourself the belly... - and on Monday your liver yells for... (see artichokes, Boldo leaves, Sorrel, Celandine)...
Who did give you the... - to refuse help to a patient?
I am aware that MM - like so many extraordinary people believes in good and bad... - How often have I experienced it, that he completely seamlessly and without being aware... -  from the strictest logic - changed to the most fantastic... (see Zen etc. - d.48)...
How arrogant, stupid and impudent are the majority of... - even though they are permanent with one foot in the... - but what they continuously... - and behave therefore so heartless, mean, deceitful towards their fellow creatures...

Centaury: digestion, appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia, belching, bloating, metabolism, fatigue...
Yarrow: digestion, nerves, metabolism, stomach, intestine, gall bladder, liver, urinary, respiratory, gynecological disorders, hemorrhoids, menopause, gargle, envelopes, washes...
Hawthorn: heart, insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, nervousness, sexual arousal...
Lavender flowers: snake bites...
Whooping cough: brown sugar + gray snail extract...
Hiccups: chew tarragon...
Wounds: Roquefort (antibiotic) or...
Corns: Celandine (corneal scraping, 1 drop)...
Insomnia: Bath in lime blossom + drinking of tea... (M. Messegue)

Golden Snow "dali48 you are a wonderful and deep thinking man ... quote: Thou shalt not kill ! - is this not valid also for animals and plants unquote ... If we were to really stop and think I believe we would be amazed how this commandment is broken everyday ... The Lord gave us the herbs of the field to heal ourselves, if our faith was not sufficient ... thanks for sharing ~~~"

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