Donnerstag, 29. August 2024

29.08.2024 - Favorites on Twitter141 and diary3, Bees, M. Yunus, Malt, climate money, etc.

Collection of photos by dali48 on Google etc. 

Author and Online-Teacher in English, German, French, etc. 


41189 Wickrath · 


  1.   - see dali48 and Bees etc...  02.02.2013 - Quiz about Bees - see dali48 and Bees etc...
  2. 02.02.2013 - Quiz about Bees - see dali48 and Bees etc... 
  3.  - see 01.02.2013 - Grameen Bank and M. Yunus etc... 
  4. 2.2.2013 - Malt beverages and Health...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter
    1.2.2013 - Grameen Bank and M. Yunus...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter
    28.01.2013 – Favorites on Twitter140... see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter
  5. "Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie" ... (@spectraspeaks
  6. see dali48 & why don't these billionaires & millionaires pay a bit of climate money to the poorest people?
  7. see e.g. ‏bees & neonics, see @tennekes_tox Das grosse Neonics Desaster. Seit 1995 sind bis zu 80 Prozent der Biomasse aller Fluginsekten in NRW verschwunden… (dali48)

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