Mittwoch, 28. August 2024

28.08.2024 - Vegetarian Diet and future and health benefits etc.

diary of dali48: 27.06.2018 - The Joy of Writing2 etc... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath etc.

21.03.1998 - Interpretation of dali48
To be healthy, you have to eat as possible of 100% fruit food... - but you can reduce this necessary... - by taking cooked fruits and vegetables to you... (A. Ehret)

My illness became my biggest... - About all mental and physical miseries of life, and to some extent also the... - to be not corrupted by... - is the art of living...
Without meat you live... - ie more energy, better digestion, more pleasant body odor, fresh look, more alert consciousness, no agonizing mass animal husbandry, no destruction of valuable soils, no destruction of nature, no famine etc.
The vegetarian diet is the diet of the future! - Pork is particularly harmful...
Fruit diet + fresh, raw salads and vegetables + nuts and seeds - No meat (only little etc. - d.48), fish, milk products, factory food, white sugar, white flour, boiled, smoked, processed food, additives etc... (H. Baumgardt)

Golden Snow "Thanks for your interesting post dali48, I was a vegetarian for ten years until I met my husband who loved his meat meals ... mostly chicken and fish and I started eating again but in small amounts, I do the same now, I need little meat but love my veggies and fruit also nuts ... I believe meat is over eaten and should be the same for all, it is causing many stomach problems such as you have posted among the many more listed ... I also would like to and intend to be again a vegetarian."

Golden Snow
"Thank you for this post dali48, it has come to the time that we must all look to become a vegetarian ... over production of cattle is destroying water supplies and leaving our earth filled chemical ..." 

11.07.2024 — For many, vegetarianism leads to health benefits like lowered cholesterol and decreased risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

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