Mittwoch, 28. August 2024

28.08.2024 - Favorites on Twitter142 & #apple pie, Mindfullness, Exile literature, fruits & vegetables etc.

diary of dali48: 25.06.2018 - Meat intake2 and gastrointestinal prob... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and writing diary & books and photographing a flower etc.


Author and Online-Teacher in English, German, French, etc... 


41189 Wickrath ·



  1. Let the night disappear, don't cling to it. Become more alert so that the night cannot take possession of you again: Osho
  2. Your body’s immune system is your first line of defense against disease. Easily strengthen yours today: 
  3. Build   -- Step-By-Step 
  4. Asparagus, Thyme and Tomato Halibut: 
  5. How to make homemade  pie with a flaky crust: 
  6. Don't compare your results to someone else's. You can never be another person, you can only be a better version of yourself.
  7. Bee-utiful....A garden project ;-) 
  8. 11.02.2013 - Mindfullness and relationships…  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest
  9. 11.02.2013 - Mindfullness and Dali-Spirit - see dali48 and Mindfullness etc... 
  10. 10.02.2013 Exile literature and Human Rights...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest
  11. Eight servings a day of fruits and vegetables keep the doctor away: 
  12. 10.02.2013 - Exile literature and Human Rights etc... see dali48 and Literature etc... 
  13.  by Do  on my TT ♫ ▶ A WHITER SHADE OF PALE  por  ▐▐  >  
  14. Aujourd'hui à 15h30, en salle de conférences, "Géopolitique de la faim" : rencontre avec Jean Ziegler.  
  15. 09.02.2013 - Night Eating Syndrome etc...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest...
  16. 09.02.2013 - Night Eating Syndrome etc. - see dali48 and Eating etc... 
  17. white strawberry sangria - white wine, strawberry   
  18. Do you use  for your blog/business? Check out my article on tools for making it more efficient and effective! 
  19. 08.02.2013 - 5 Pinterest Tools and What They Do - see dali48 and Pinterest etc... 
  20. We're having a "lovely"  contest for two  tickets! If you're a romantic, it may help your odds. 
  21. How to make minestrone soup with green pesto: 
  22. Do you know how how to use a phishing filter? Learn more about them here:  
  23. Feature: Several thousand  have fled  because of what they call a climate of xenophobia 
  24. I just found so many types of seaweed on this website. Seaweed is the best for radiation prevention and longevity: 
  25. How about 5 tummy warming hot cocoa recipes?   survival kit
  26. 8.2.2013 Mineral Water and Healing Sources...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest
  27. Tracking Winter Storm Nemo with Google Earth 
  28. 08.02.2013 - Mineral Water and Healing Sources etc. - see dali48 and Water etc... 
  29. "The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."I. Asimov 
  30. The Rainbow Bridge can bring us all together to achieve the goals of THE PEOPLE.  
  31. "Love is the only reality .. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation" Tagore and 
  32. My thought for the day 'Don't trust the word of a man who says the neonicotinoid pesticides his company makes don't kill bees' 
  33. We all need people who know us, accept us and love us no matter what. 
  34. Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world. Voltaire
  35. Gardening is the purest of human pleasures. - Francis Bacon 
  36. I just found the 74 tweeps who unfollowed me and thanks to  I know who they are
  37. What We're Reading: "Indian Investors are Forcing Ethiopians Off Their Land"  via 
  38. How many minerals can you count in dark chocolate? 
  39. lentil soup with sausage chard and garlic - 
  40. "Ever more people today have the means to , but no  to live for." 
  41. 07.02.2013 - The Joy of Writing...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter etc.
  42. 07.02.2013 - The Joy of Writing etc. - see dali48 and Writing etc... 
  43.  —Dirty Tricks People Use To Get Your  Account Suspended…And How To Stop Them:  RT :
  44. AWESOME ! Australian Wind Energy Now Cheaper Than Coal, Gas, BNEF Says - Bloomberg via  
  45. Australian  power blows away  and  prices!!! Check this:  via 
  46. ◈ Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it. ~ Arapaho Indians
  47. ◈ We will be known forever by the tracks we leave. ~ Dakota Indians
  48.  - Thank you for "Identifying bumblebees on phacelia"... (dali48)
  49. "Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom" ...Happy Birthday Bob Marley! 
  50. Unfortunately the UK govt are opposed to a ban on . Still saying 'not enough evidence' that they kill . Shame on them.
  51. Keep chickens! Organic eggs from pasture-raised chickens have 3x more Vitamin E#greenhousetips Via 
  52.  Diane von Furstenberg  —  RT  What's in the water?
  53. RT : What is the most powerful idea for improving lives around the world? Find out here:  
  54.  for all those times I narrowly escaped being another statistic of a missing and murdered aboriginal women
  55. The bee on the left is Bombus rupestris the cuckoo bee of Bombus lapidarius which is the bee on the right hand... 
  56. Study: Global Warming Can Be Slowed By Working Less 
  57. "We all end up in the same place so let's help each other along the journey" ~jda
  58. What's your take on this? More internet regulation won't make children safer online 
  59. 05.02.2013 - Learning and the Future...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter
  60. 05.02.2013 - Learning and the Future... see dali48 
  61. Six years–and numerous disasters–after the Stern Review, economists are accepting the realities of climate change. 
  62. When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, There is always the garden. - Minnie Aumonier 
  63. There is more intelligence in your body than in your best wisdom  
  64. RT : "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Native American Proverb
  65. 04.02.2013 - Solar panels and Solar lamps etc. - see dali48 and Solar and Wind etc... 
  66. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.- Benjamin Franklin  
  67. Maturity is not when we start speaking big things, it’s when we understand the small things. 
  68. Cool!  catches the moment the lights went out (and not at the SuperBowl either!) 
  69. February 4 is World Cancer Day    Help improve the 5-year survival rate: 
  70. 4.2.2013 - Solar panels and solar lamps  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter
  71. 04.02.2013 - Solar panels and Solar lamps etc. - see dali48 and Solar and Wind etc... 
  72. No two cows have identical spots.
  73. Al Gore: U.S. Democracy Has Been Hacked, Internet Can Help Save It  has more - 
  74. 'Youngsters should conserve nature and save the environment' - The Express Tribune 
  75. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Thomas Jefferson 
  76. Monday at11AM EST Dr Stephen Blake PET WHISPERER LIVE SHOW.     Plz Retweet. ♥
  77. Micro-chipping coming to a pharmacy near you in September. Now is the time to start using holistic health therapies. 
  78. Antibiotic Use in Children Creates Long Term Health Problems: 
  79. Albert Einstein had his trash searched, mail opened, and phone tapped for 22 years by the FBI.
  80. Life is good when you're happy, but life is better when others are happy because of you.
  81. 3.02.2013 – Favourites on Twitter141...  see dali48 on Google,FB,Blogspot,Goodreads,StumbleUpon,,Pinterest,Twitter

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