Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2024

12.06.2024 - Stimulating substances and Medicinal clay & Folk medicine etc. by dali48

dali48 and teaching and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath etc.

Begin of ediary11

07.02.2014 - Stimulating Substances1 and Medicinal Clay etc. by dali48

26.12.2000 - Interpretation of dali48
Stimulating substances (forming serotonin and opiates):
sugar, caffeine, fats, light, - morphine (hops), alcohol (forming opiates) exorphines (milk, wheat), pungent (for the release of endorphins)...
Pickles (sour), contain the PQQ Vit that pregnant women need to build the placenta...
Everyone seems to have different preferences - from birth. For every man there is good something else. As we all look different as humans (see also animals and plants, etc. - d.48), so some are small, others large, some thin and some fat, there is no “mandatory nutrition recommendation” for all. We know the pleasure that the refreshing drink is preparing to the thirsty, the nutritious food to the hungry. The highest pleasure and the deepest sorrow - that comes through the fulfillment or frustration of the sexual instinct has always been a main theme of the poem... (U. Pollmer)

Meanwhile, until the building of the world is fixed by philosophy - the transmission of the world is maintained by hunger and by love (see e.g. "pane et circensis" in ancient Rome etc. - d.48)... (F. Schiller)

Acorns are edible only when they are irrigated and the bitter is washed out, or the acorns are eaten with clays (see healing clay, etc. - d.48)...
If the bakers had to disclose all supplements of their ready-mix, the nation would bake itself again... (U. Pollmer)

Interpretation of dali48
The use of medicinal clay in folk medicine goes back to prehistoric times. The indigenous peoples around the world still use clay widely, which is related to geophagy. The first recorded use of medicinal clay goes back to ancient Mesopotamia. A wide variety of clay is being used for medicinal purposes, - primarily for external applications, such as the clay baths in health spas (mud therapy), but also internally. Among the clays most commonly used for medicinal purposes are kaolin and the smectite clays such as bentonite, montmorillonite, and Fuller's earth...
Galen, the famous Greek philosopher and physician, was the first to record the use of clay by sick or injured animals back in the second century AD. This type of geophagy has been documented in "many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, butterflies and isopods, especially among herbivores...
As Pliny reports about the Lemnian Earth, "...if rubbed under the eyes, it moderates pain and watering from the same, and prevents the flow from the lachrymal ducts. In cases of haemorrhage it should be administered with vinegar. It is used against complaints of the spleen and kidneys, copious menstruation, also against poisons, and wounds caused by serpents"...
Authors report that the clay mineral, "... exhibits bactericidal activity against E. coli, ESBL [ExtendedSpectrum Beta-Lactamases] E. coli, S. enterica serovar Typhimurium, 
P. aeruginosa, and M. marinum, and significantly reduces growth of S. aureus, PRSA, MRSA, and nonpathogenic M. smegmatis approximately 1,000-fold compared to cultures grown without added mineral products"... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“Thank you dali48 for your post on Substances and Medicinal Clay ... I had never used it until you mentioned it to me for my chemical problem ... I find it very relaxing in my bath and have found out today from your post that I can also use in a drink ... I am excited because this maybe what I need to move the chemical problem on the way out ... my body has suffered greatly the baths have been great the hair treatment also ... this week I will start my drinks ... thanks again for all your posts about natural healing”...

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