Dienstag, 22. August 2017

17.10.2019 - Fear and proximity / Sroka and infarctions and way of life etc...

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dali48 and teaching and writing books and photographing a gold fish etc...

25.06.1999 - Interpretation of dali48

First, the fear and counter-violence must be overcome - to be able to cope with emotional and physical proximity... (U. Behme / M. Schmude)

Today (1987), about 1000 infarctions per day are counted alone in the FRG... - Today, the infarction has assumed the character of a mass murder... - The medicine belonged in absoluteism to the police sciences, and physicians helped actively... - to bring people to "reason"... - Industrialization made its way, ruthlessly against humans and nature - The mechanical point of view is always to blame the individual (victim), either as a consequence of his inheritance or his unhealthy way of life... - And the body reacts all the harder - the less the soul is given space...
Modern medicine:
Blind and docile, and full of violence - The internal and external destructive forces are mutually reinforcing... (K. Sroka)

Free PDF Geschützte Raum - Ulrike Behme download or read online. ... Ulrike BehmeMichael Schmude Home. WorldCat ... Rainer Maria Woelki – Wikipedia.

nach Wikipedia · Schach d ... Dr. Knut Sroka kenne ich indirekt durch sein Buch " Herzinfarkt, neue Wege" schon seit einiger Zeit. In seinem Buch ... Hier noch der Link zu Vides auf Youtube mit Dr. Sroka: "Die herzkranke Gesellschaft". Wußten ...

dali48author ‏@dali48

05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview.doc - docs.google.com/document/d/17R see dali48 on Google,Blogspot,Bod.de,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Twitter,Goodreads...

dali48 on Goodreads 

 amazon.com/author/dali48 Share  
this URL:  diary3 by dali48 on twitter

diary of dali48: 08.10.2018 - Ecology and Environment and Interaction... http://dali48.blogspot.com/2018/10/08102018-ecology-and-environment-and.html?spref=tw … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,http://Bod.de,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...

see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 and Climate Change since ca. 2000 and "Banking Crisis" 2008 and poor people and social diseases and speculation and homelessness and robots etc. - instead of UBI & Ecology - Uncontrolled capitalism produces evil as bees produce...

see dali48 and Climate Change and heat waves and dryness and burning and also floods and Hurricanes etc. - since ca. 2000 and despite Copenhagen 2009 etc. - instead of #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & UBI etc...

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