Freitag, 12. Februar 2010

11.10.2016 - Comments1 on Hubpages1

dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...

12.02.2010 - Interpretation by dali48

dali48 says: Thank you for your great Hub - "The Catcher in the Rye" I got as a gift during my student time in Tübingen - or I bought it in the 2nd-hand shop at Leeds University in 1972/73 - I'm not sure about it - I think I must read it again... (d.48)
Thank you for your interesting hub about Scotland - At the end of our 2nd term as exchange students in Leeds (1972/73) we 5 went to Scotland by car (VW-Beatle). Our 1st stop was in beautiful Edinburgh where we went sightseeing. Next day we went on to Sterling where the fine weather changed (in March) and we got trouble with our old car. First I had to change a wheel, then near Loch Lomond - our windscreen wipers broke in a snow storm and we fixed 2 selfmade ropes to move them by hands. I decided to go back to the next village to have bed and breakfast because I nearly couldn't see anything and had to look through the little by-window. We found a friendly landlady who warmed us with tea and biscuits and next morning we drove back till Glasgow - in heavy rain and always pulling the ropes - where we had my car repaired... (d.48)
"If you are a dog lover than you don't care for cats or vice versa" - veto: I like both - since I got married we only have cats - but in my childhood we always had both - and I also like horses, birds, wild ducks and wild geese etc... (d.48)
Thanks dali48 - I live in NYC and finally even supermarkets are jumping on this organic bandwagon - of course when I travel to other countries they ask me why does America have to make that distinction - why isn't it all good food? Hmmm. And the farmer's markets are doing big business. We want good food and we are concerned about our children. This is a country that does not guarantee health care - yet it permits foods that is destroying our health. Health care need not be so costly if we were not so sickly. The Obama Administration is demanding accountability at the FDA and USDA and so now we are seeing more tons of meat recalled and OTC drugs, but wait...these were known problems that have been on the shelves since 2008. As always it is profit before people...
The best computer doesn't fly as good as a pilot - and the best pilot doesn't fly as good as a bird - especially under bad weather conditions... (d.48)
H P Roychoudhury says: Hi dali48,
Life is precious. Even in bad weather we have to survive and so struggle for survival will continue. Thanks...
Thank you for your hub - my favourites in music are many of your favourites, especially the 70s/60s/50s and 20s (Palast-Orchester etc) and most of classical music... (see
Thank you for your hub - I'm used to feed the birds and ducks nearly every day on my way along the lake by bike - especially if it's as cold as today (-5°C) and there is snow and ice... (d.48)
Thank you for your hub - in my childhood we had a garden with all kinds of fruit: also gooseberries - but I didn't like them formerly because they were sour and we had to collect them in big buckets in the afternoons... (d.48)
Thank you for your hub - some of the National Parks I already knew by my English tuition like Yellow Stone, Grand Canyon etc - some of them were new for me like Olympic, Zion etc... (d.48)
Thank you for your article about Ginger - my wife is using ginger regularly with her Japanese cooking - I used to buy ginger tea in an Asian shop when I went to the Central Library in Düsseldorf for reading books etc... (d.48)
Thank you for your ginger-article. During reading it I went into the kitchen and added some chopped slices of ginger to my daily tea - the rest of it I put into a glass of sweet apricots to preserve it - you proposed to put the rest in the freezer - which method is better after your opinion? (d.48)

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48

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