see dali48 and "I think - therefore I am" etc. (Descartes)
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48)
see dali48 and "Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan)
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema)
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha)
„Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc.
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray! (Robert Green Ingersoll)
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann (ca. 200 years old) should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking, and why is there no homeopathic vaccination? - see "similibus" principle etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer etc."
see dali48 and Vollgeld-Initiative & Basic Income in Europe etc. - instead of Banking Crisis 2008 etc.
I also like weeping willow trees - e.g. when I was on camping vacation in the 80s in France & Spain, I had my lunch (fish soup) under such a tree (that was like a tent) in the park of Bordeaux etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and "flora & fauna" since ca. 2000, and deforestation instead of planting trees etc
see dali48 and trees and "flora & fauna" and healthy air etc..
see dali48 and Bread - instead of fire-works harming animals, pets etc.
see dali48 and Democracy & human rights & gender justice etc.
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" - "Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there." ... (Osho)
see dali48 and health and herbs (see e.g. M. Mességué etc.), and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc.
29.11.1998 – Interpretation by dali48
Beneficial foods: cabbage, potato, artichoke, radish, beetroot, carrot ...
Medicinal herbs: caraway, fennel, anise, chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, gentian (see e.g. M. Mességué etc. - and e.g. kidney-tea, gastrointestinal tea, tea for colds etc. - d.48) ...
Good product is at a ... - That may all agree, and is just not in the warehouse of ... - Due to poor diets, the body comes in the ... - It starts saving measures. - Charges which have hitherto been regarded as a pleasure, but which are seen by the body and its metabolism of ... - such as power, or intellectual repartee or memory for names are ...
It follows: Fatigue, listlessness, loss of initiative, lack of vitality and ...
Incompatible foods for digestive weakness:
1 legumes (lentils, peas, beans etc. - d.48), 2 white cabbage, 3 green cabbage, 4 paprika, 5 red cabbage, 6 onion, 7 savoy ...
1 cucumber salad, 2 fried foods, 3 fatty foods, 5 pickled cabbage, 6 sweet and fatty baked goods, 6 french fries, 7 hard-boiled eggs, 8 fresh bread, 9 coleslaw, 10 mayonnaise, 11 potato salad, 12 smoked goods ...
1 beverages containing carbon dioxide (see e.g. soda= lemonade, etc. - d.48), 2 coffee beans ...
Healthy food conversion:
grain meal, flakes, whole grain bread, raw vegetables, fruit, - no sugar, - no white flour, - better is whole wheat flour (type 1700), diet margarine ...
Intestinal inflammation: eat white or red beet! ... (U. Böhmig)
Die Goldegger Dialoge zur Thematik Gesundheit werden jährlich im Schloss Goldegg in ... 1982: Ernährung, mit M. O. Bruker, Ulf Böhmig, Alfred Aigner, F. Petuely, Johanna Budwig, Sigurt Sailer, Barbara Rütting, u. a.; 1983: Leib und Seele, ...
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