dali48 and menaced private tuition since 1989, and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010
Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48)
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema / dali48)
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha / dali48)
„Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking etc. (dali48)
25.07.1999 - Interpretation of dali48
In the medieval Visions literature, we find similar examples in which the visionary - overbearing and unspoilt as a newborn baby - returns to life. - Edmund cries continually, Gottschalk no longer seeks to eat or to do his "business", Orm is speechless, Allerich can not recognize his mother again. - The visionary overcomes these difficulties, as soon as he has learned to accept his new role as a monk or a penitent, and finds new possibilities - to communicate his visions for the benefit of others... (C. Zaleski)
see dali48 and dreaming & visions, see e.g. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake & tsunami etc, see e.g. Golden G. Snow "I journey I know it's true. I've seen the future too. In my "journey", things are not good. So much of the earth will be ... soon. I have no more to say."
We are at risk of a kind of "Holocaust of the environment"! - The rampant race for the accumulation and exploitation of the earth's goods by a few privileged persons creates a new form of the "cold war" between the north and the south. - On the horizon of mankind again threatening clouds arise! - In addition to the misery of the underdevelopment - we find a kind of over-development (see technology, industry etc. - d.48), which is contrary to the true good fortune. - This is the so-called consumer society - which entails so much "extravagance" - and so many "scraps" (see environmental pollution and destruction etc. - d.48)... (J. P. II)
"The already uninhabitable Earth. Today (3.7.2023), Zabol in Iran recorded the highest temperature on Earth at 49.6C" (@PGDynes), see e.g. https://aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/30/out-of-time-temperature-records-topple-around-the-world, & #ClimateEmergency 2022 instead of clean air (see e.g. Shanghai Air etc. - d.48) & enough drinking water (see desalination of sea water since ca. 2000 - d.48), enough trees & fish, #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy since the 70s & basic income since 2008 ("Banking Crisis") & biodiversity & health, and no pandemic, inflation, wars etc.
siehe „Eine Gesellschaft ohne Gott, ist wie eine gut organisierte Räuberbande“, hat Papst Benedikt den Bundestagsabgeordneten ins Stammbuch geschrieben. (dali48)
Jump to The Vision of Drythelm - ... I call the Drythelm line, a literary tradition that can be traced back to the Vision of Drythelm related by the eighth-century ...
John Paul II was the second longest-serving pope in modern history after Pope Pius IX, who served for nearly 32 years from 1846 to 1878. Born in Poland, John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope since the Dutch Pope Adrian VI, who served from 1522 to 1523.
Created cardinal: 26 June 1967; by Paul VI
Papacy began: 16 October 1978
Papacy ended: 2 April 2005
Nationality: Polish (with Vatican citizenship)
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