Montag, 21. Oktober 2024

21.10.2024 - Relationships and ill-treated children / Development and ecology / Ulcerative colitis etc.

dali48 and menaced private tuition since 1989, and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 till 5/2010

Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48) 
Let go of something you like, and realize how fleeting it is by living without it... (Ayya Khema / dali48) 
Buddha realized that all living beings suffer because they desire and cling ... - Peace is an inner attitude to life that consists of letting go and renunciation (see e.g. nuns & monks etc. - d.48) ... (Buddha / dali48) 
Das Leben im Daseinskreislauf ist leidvoll: Geburt ist Leiden, Altern ist Leiden, Krankheit ist Leiden, Tod ist Leiden; Kummer, Lamentieren, Schmerz und Verzweiflung sind Leiden." (Buddha)
see dali48 and Climate Change since Copenhagen 2009 etc. - "Uncontrolled capitalism is producing evil - as bees are producing honey" etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about peace etc. - see e.g. Zen and Buddhism & Peace & Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Ayya Khema etc, and St Nicholas, St Hildegard, St Francis etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and eating less meat, and more fruits & veggies since the 80s etc.
Homeopathy of S. Hahnemann should be updated, - i.e. for me more Mother tincture & less shaking etc. (dali48)
diary 3: by dali48 on twitter
ediary4 by dali48

20.07.1999 - Interpretation of dali48
Instead of taking relationships spontaneously, ill-treated children... - shy away from any kind of relationship - and they are often afraid of body contact and touch. - Aggression often occurs in covert form, - and seemingly without emotional involvement (I-dyston). They tend to self-punishments, and grave feelings of guilt are on them. - They are threatened by strong anxiety feelings. - They have great difficulties to play spontaneously and freely... (Behme / Schmude)

The great industrial development destroys the ecological basis of any life activity, - and the danger of an atomic war grows... (K. Sroka)
What are the effects of development on ecology? What are the main environmental impacts of development? The four most significant environmental impacts of global development are deforestation, pollution, desertification, and the extinction of species.

Ulcerative colitis (chronic):
Veratrum Pentarkan + Colocynthis Pentarkan + Millefolium Pentarkan: 3 times 10 drops... (E. Kienholz)

BEHMEUlrikeSCHMUDE, Michael; unter Mitarbeit von PETTER, Johann: Der ...... (Stand: 12.01.2006).
Kollateralen (lat: con „zusammen“; latus „Seite“) sind in der Anatomie Abzweigungen, Seiten- ... Knut Sroka: Herzinfarkt: Alternativen zur Schulmedizin ...
Die Colitis Ulcerosa (CU, englisch ulcerative colitis) gehört zur Gruppe der .... E-Coli-Alfred Nissle-1917-Bakterien: Diese probiotischen Bakterien sind unter dem ...
Schonkost bei Darmentzündung: Bei einer akuten Darmentzündung solltest du dich vorwiegend auf leicht verdauliche Lebensmittel mit einem geringen Ballaststoff- und Fettanteil konzentrieren. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise weißer Reis, Bananen und gekochtes Gemüse.15.11.2023

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