Samstag, 21. September 2024

21.09.2024 - Poets and visionaries / Music and piano / Golding and the power of evil / Phytotherapy and diseases etc.

dali48 and writing ediary6-12 and photographing in the park of Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.

24.02.2014 - Poets and visionaries etc. by dali48

31.01.2012 - Interpretation of dali48
A Poet Is A Tortured Soul... "Our forefathers were all illegal immigrants - fleeing the persecution of their faiths, their freedoms and the tyranny of oppression"... by MFB III on HP

A poet is a person who writes poetry. A poet's work can be literal, meaning that his work is derived from a specific event, or metaphorical, meaning that his work can take on many meanings and forms. Poets have existed since antiquity, in nearly all languages, and have produced works that vary greatly in different cultures and time periods...
French poet Arthur Rimbaud summarized the "poet" by writing. - A poet makes himself a visionary through a long, boundless, and systematized disorganization of all the senses (see poets & poetry etc. – d.48)... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“I love to read ... poets are wonderful ... between each line is a story ... maybe only a few words ... but to read between these words takes your mind on a journey of excitement and adventure ... each word holds a secret and when they burst forth we discover the true meaning of the heart of the poet ... one word becomes a thousand words ... of love , of hate , needs , fear ... great diary dali48” …

25.02.2014 - Music and piano etc. by dali48

Photo of my mother, sister, and me during Christmas in SHA-Steinbach in the 50s etc.
The day the piano went silent… on HP

see dali48 and music & piano etc.
Pinned onto dali48 and Music etc.
WGG (dali48)
"The day the piano went silent" - It reminds me of the death of my mother (05.01.1961) who died of leukemia at the age of 40. - She was a passionate piano player who played for our singing club and sports club on celebrations - from that day on her piano stood silently in our restaurant - nobody played on it anymore. - I also stopped my piano lessons after one year because of soccer - all the music & joy was over in our home since that day... (dali48)

Golden Snow
“Good morning dali48 ... I understand the grief that is felt when a parent leaves a family ... a place where no one can fill ... and she was so young ... there is something about a piano that rings every fiber of ones heart and soul ... a feeling that only the sounds of the piano can bring ... I look at your photo and see your Mother with soft love on her face as her fingers graced the keys ... and love in her heart as the music filled your home ... I am sure she would have wanted someone to play on for her, dali48 ... your heart is filled with that love for music ... I understand your feelings but wished you had continued your lessons in her honor ... your music is still locked within a soft dream with the memories of your Mother ... mine are locked with the memories of warm nights as she played the flute with my uncle on our little farm ... I remember with joy, dali48” …

25.02.2014 - Golding and the power of evil etc. by dali48

dali48 and photographing "gold fish & oak root" in Lake Morper in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

17.03.2008 - Interpretation of dali48
Golding has a very keen eye and a sharp pen when it comes to the power of evil and the wickedness of man - almost as much as Jonathan Swift. And as Herman Melville, he often chooses the topics and the framework for his stories from the world of the sea, or other challenging situations where strange people try to go beyond their limits. - and thereby embarrass to the bone (see e.g. 2012, the ship "Costa" & captain Schettino who tried it by a muddled excuse: "I accidentally fell into a lifeboat" etc. - (W. Golding, Press Release 1983)

see Search Results
Concordia disaster: Should a captain go down with his ship ... › News › World News‎
Captain Schettino abandoned his ship, but who's to say how we would behave in ... 9:06PM GMT 18 Jan 2012 ... Costa Concordia: captain 'says he tripped and fell into lifeboat' ... He was, however, tried and found wanting, perhaps for reasons partly .... as the Costa Concordia was about to go down in the Isola de Giglio...

25.02.2014 - Phytotherapy and Diseases etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing ediary4+5 and cycling and photographing a dandelion blossom in the park of Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.

04/29/2000 – Interpretation of dali48
The Indians believe that greed and envy is the root of murder, manslaughter and all evil. - Diseases in our sense they do not know… (T. David)

I probably need scarcely mention how important it is today to strengthen the body and the immune system - due to environmental toxins (see e.g. Méssegué: CFC, organic phosphates, etc. - d.48), stress factors (see noise & bullying in Erkrath since 1989 etc. - d.48) unhealthy lifestyle and in the case of treatment by toxic drugs - the immune system is so weakened that the adverse reactions surpass the treatment effect… (A. Georgopoulos / T. David)

1st success through phytotherapy: weight gain, no pain, better emotional state, stabilization, partial remission, etc.
Baradne (burdock) helps: lung, stomach, kidney, liver, hair loss, gallstones…
St. John's wort helps: stomach and intestinal ulcers, high blood pressure, indigestion, bleeding, kidney, gall bladder, wounds, a sore throat, periodontal disease, depression…
Hortela (mint) helps with: asthma, jaundice, liver, stomach, digestion, spasms, worms, gall bladder, kidney, vomiting, insomnia, abdominal pain, uterine, laryngitis, mucous membrane, antibacterial…
Dandelion helps: appetite, hepatitis, liver, gall bladder, diabetes, kidney, spleen, cholesterol, uric acid, gout, rheumatism, diuretic and laxative…
Mistletoe helps: blood pressure, convulsions, bleeding, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, immune system...
Agrimonia eupatorica helps: liver, diarrhea, stomach, kidney, bladder, asthma, throat, larynx, bowel wall, digestion, typhoid, cancer, inflammation, diuretic, astringent…
Angelica archangelica helps: stomach, indigestion, liver, stomach, bronchitis, almonds, scurvy, gout, hysteria, rheumatism, Tatanus, typhoid fever, menstrual...
Artemisia vulgaris helps: anemia, abdominal, stomach, diarrhea, colitis, epilepsy, jaundice, worm infestation, inflammation…
Plantago major helps: anemia, debility, gastritis, diarrhea, nephritis, cystitis, bleeding, pneumonia, tumors, insect bites…
Quassia amara helps: bile, kidney, stomach, diarrhea, fever... (T. David)

Golden Snow
“I guess I will go along with the Indians, dali48 ... being part Native I listened to my family talk at nights ... a lot had to do with natural healing and health ... my Uncle Lewis said to my mother, one night ... do not let it bother you , you do not need the food from town , you make healthy food and living here you have time to breathe good air ...I believe we bring on so much diseases our selves ... bringing into our bodies the weight of the world and trying to help others in ways we really cannot ... causing stressful thoughts and feelings that destroy us ... my family grew to old age ... still do, Lewis passed this world at age 101 ... have an Aunt now 102 years young ... everything has changed so much ... the ways of the world are destroying us, dali48 ... we all need to change ... get less stress, and get wiser for choosing” ...

Golden Snow
“It's wonderful knowing if we really study it out everything we will ever need to improve our health come from nature itself ... to strengthen our immune systems against the environment that has become a threat to everyone ... so many do not realize the danger we are all in ... with chemicals in everything we reach for on the food shelves and counter of the supermarkets ... our bodies are being poisoned filled with toxic food ... chemicals to improve food shelf life ... plus fish poisoned by the ocean which has become polluted from waste ... placing this post, dali48, is so important ... thank you for your research and time put into this most important matter ... help for so many contained here” …

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