Montag, 12. August 2024

12.08.2024 - I. Hobert / E. Kübler-Ross / Comment of G. Snow etc.

 diary of dali48: 05.07.2018 - Planet earth2 and natural disasters... … see dali48 on Twitter,Google,Blogspot,,FB,Pinterest,StumbleUpon   dali48 and photographing near spa house in Baden-Baden, 8/2010

12.07.2018 - Hobert2 and Kübler-Ross etc...

eDiary4 contains entries in English – and Blogs which are partly published on, interpretations of speeches of Nobel Prize Laureates in Literature, and of books about Alternative Medicine, Phyto-therapy, and Zen etc.

Recommendation: diary3 by dali48 on twitter, published at, ISBN 978383-7098334/-9109328/-7081220, see Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon,, etc.

Interpretation of dali48
One seeks the culprit in other... - If it were always the others who was it then in the...? - Are we a planet full of poor... - where no one wants to take his own...? - Everyone is the source of his own... - and whatever we... - we shall reap…            
We are always striving to think of... - and to satisfy our own... - We take or, worse yet give - in order to get... (I. Hobert)

If there is no heaven - there is no... - And if there is no... - then there is no fear of… (dali48)

Most people realize in their last... - that they have never... - To see that life is simply passed by, without that one has taken the... - to enjoy it to the fullest, often is the sad... - of the last moments... 
Death is also a new... - a birth into another life form. Thus, death is the... - of the higher self from the physical... - comparable to the hatching of a beautiful butterfly from its…
The inner voice tells us what to... - e.g. do not smoke, not eat too much, do more exercise, do meditation, do prayer, do good, and let’s separate from people who make us... - but we are too strong addicted to the... - to listen to that voice… (E. Kübler-Ross) 

Golden Snow "Many consider death to be the end of their existence, yet it is merely a transition point. We don't really 'die'. It is our physical bodies which 'die' when spirit leaves the physical form. We are reborn again and again, continuing from where we left off. This cycle repeats itself for hundreds of thousand of lifetimes, until we finally wake up, and realize that we are soul, eternal and free."
Hobert in der Intensivmedizin, Kardiologie, Gastroenterologie, HNO und Chirurgie (Weiteres siehe Lebenslauf). Praxis für Gesundheit. Hobert

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (* 8. Juli 1926 in Zürich; † 24. August 2004 in Scottsdale, Arizona) war eine schweizerisch-US-amerikanische Psychiaterin und 

Love everything to do with gardening,Herbs and healing, walking the beaches, reading good books (bible tops ) firesides in winter . good Friends.

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