Montag, 1. Juli 2024

01.07.2024 - Music and Self-healing and Self-hypnosis etc. by dali48

dali48 and studying & teaching and self-hypnosis & photographing near market place in Tübingen in the 70s etc.

16.01.2014 - Music1 and Self-healing etc. by dali48 

20.11. 2009 - Interpretation of dali48
Somehow music conveys of things beyond that can't be uttered with words...
The latest musical production I was involved in was the story of Siddharta and how he became Buddha...
You wrote in your Hubs that your life changed when you discovered your healing powers...
Main purpose of many Hubs is to uplift us, and teach us to express the gratitude towards life and build up self-esteem...
Tell us more about it and why it is so important to be who we really are instead of being what others expect from us?
I believe with all my heart that "love" heals (see e.g. spontaneous healing, placebo effect, self-healing, etc. - d.48)... 
Love is the answer to the wounded spirit (see soul etc. - d.48) within us... (Tatjana-Mihaela and ripplemaker on HP)

Interpretation of dali48 
Self-healing is a phrase applied to the process of recovery (generally from psychological disturbances, trauma, etc.), motivated by and directed by the patient, guided often only by... 
The process can be helped and accelerated with introspection techniques such as (see e.g. meditation, Zen etc. - d.48)... 
Self-healing is the ultimate phase of Gestalt Therapy...
Self-healing may refer to automatic, homeostatic processes of the body that are controlled by physiological mechanisms inherent in the organism... 
In a figurative sense, self-healing properties can be ascribed to systems or processes, which by nature or design tend to correct any disturbances brought into them. Such as the regeneration of... 
Beyond the innate restorative capacities of the physical body, there are many factors of psychological nature that can influence self-healing. Hippocrates, considered by many to be the father of medical treatment, observed...
Self-healing may also be achieved through deliberately applied psychological mechanisms (see e.g. autogenic training, self-hypnosis by J.H. Schultz in the 70s etc. - d.48). These approaches may improve the psychological and physical conditions of a person. Research confirms that this can be achieved through numerous mechanisms, including...
Varieties of mechanisms for self-healing have been proposed, including: Decreases in stress hormones that may impair physiological functions when there is chronic stress... (Wikipedia)

Autogenes Training ist ein auf Autosuggestion basierendes Entspannungsverfahren. Es wurde vom Berliner Psychiater Johannes Heinrich Schultz aus der Hypnose ...

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