Samstag, 29. Juni 2024

29.06.2024 - How to save the Planet? & Survival Pact & desalination of sea water etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling & walking and photographing in the park of Wickrath etc.

15.01.2014 - How to save the Planet etc.?

11.07.2012 - Interpretation of dali48
Instead of waiting for the national leaders to act, we should invite them to work together and to give us permission to clean nature and to build model projects in no-man lands: to plant trees, - to clean water, - and to produce energy (see wind & solar etc. - d.48)... 
We want to show, how well paid we will be by an increase in the quality of life: with paradise-like places to learn, exchange and live for future generations and all cultures... (by Annette Ochs, Survival Pact)

The key now is to put people first and the environment second - but also to remember that when you exhaust the resources (see drinking-water, etc., see desalination of sea water + pipelines, etc. - d.48)... (UNDP, Gen Howitzer)

"To the best of our knowledge, thermodiffusive desalination is the first thermal desalination method that does not require a phase change. It's operated entirely in the liquid phase, and what's more important is that it does not require membranes or other types of ion-adsorbing materials to purify water."20.05.2024

Autumn leaves are dancing in front of my bike - flying in the wind - on the way to the super market... (dali48)
dali48 from Germany Hub Author 
Why don't they plant trees at the water canals like in France between Toulouse and Sete - or build pipelines with desalinated sea-water?... (d.48)  

dali48  from Germany Hub Author 
For further reading - see

Interpretation of dali48
At the Copenhagen conference the small island states and the vulnerable countries showed that they realize they face major risk right now, - and that the goals everyone goes for around the world should be those that make the vulnerable nations safe. But the West Antarctic is now melting in a way that will cause a quarter to a half a meter sea rise by 2100 - with current temperatures and CO2 levels… 
( Only the restoration of a safe climate will protect the vulnerable nations effective - by refreezing the Arctic and Antarctic and cooling the ocean... (Philip Sutton)

Interpretation of dali48 
UNDP’s environmental strategy focuses on effective water governance including access to water supply  and sanitation, access to sustainable energy services, Sustainable land management to combat desertification and land degradation, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and policies to control emissions of harmful pollutants and ozone-depleting substances. UNDP's Equator Initiative office biennially offers the Equator Prize to recognize outstanding indigenous community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and thus making local contributions to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)... (Wikipedia)

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