Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

25.06.2024 - Cancer & over 60°C and Negative eating etc. / Semi-vegetarian & little meat etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing in Erkrath, 8/1983 - 5/2010

08.01.2014 - Cancer and “half-vegetarian” etc. by dali48
20.04.2010 - Interpretation of dali48 
Heartburn is caused by: 
1 fat ... 
2 chocolate, peppermint, garlic, raw onions, orange juice, chili sauce, tomatoes, coffee, alcohol ... 
3 late dinner, followed by lying down (better go for a walk etc. - d.48)... (J. Carper)
Sugar acts as a painkiller directly on the brain in babies (see also adults etc. - d.48)... 
Cabbage juice and “musapep” = dry powder of green cooking bananas helps with stomach ulcers. Just Caved-s, licorice...  
Liquid (hotter than 60° C) causes gastritis and damage to the stomach. - It can even lead to esophageal cancer...  
Kidney stone patients usually eat large amounts of protein (protein) and sodium (see salt etc. - d.48). Also Cola (oxalate, phosphate) and citrus fruit juices (oxalate, sugar) are harmful... 
Fruit and vegetables are top fighter against cancer, - vitamin A (lung), vitamin C (stomach and intestine) in the blood to help against cancer...  
What people eat who never fall ill with cancer: 
1 become a “half-vegetarian” ... 
2 no red meat, saturated animal fats (butter etc.) ... 
3 some dairy products (cheese, milk etc.), lots of fruits and vegetables, - wheat bran, dried beans, green tea, low-fat milk, lots of yogurt (acidophilus), low alcohol, somewhat eel (vitamin D), mackerel (Omega-3 oils), not salted, smoked or cured products, turkey meat (without skin), no bacon or salami, bread, olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, lots of lettuce, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, onions, garlic, strawberries, raspberries, melons, nuts (vitamin E etc.), not overweight...  
Fat-fed animals often show cell damage in the pancreas: good fruit, tomatoes, pulses etc. 
Stomach cancer: Salad is the solution. - Positive eating: cabbages (see cauliflower and broccoli etc. – d.48), tea, garlic, onions, soybeans, vegetables, fruit, vitamin C...  
Negative eating: salt, salted, smoked and marinated meats... (J. Carper)

Der Flexitarismus ist eine Esskultur, welche den gelegentlichen Fleischkonsum zulässt, ihn jedoch nicht zum Mittelpunkt macht. Flexitarier essen selten Fleisch, ausgewähltes Fleisch oder wenig Fleisch. Wikipedia

A flexitarian or semi-vegetarian diet (SVD) is one that is primarily vegetarian with the occasional inclusion of meat or fish. Of late, there appears to be an increasing movement toward this practice. There has not been a recent update on these diets from a health perspective.06.01.2017

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