Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024

19.06.2024 - Bee mortality and Production methods and CCD and 2024 etc. by dali48

dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing in the park of Wickrath etc.

20.02.2014 - Bee mortality and Production methods etc. by dali48

18.05.2010 - Interpretation of dali48
One third of the human food now depends directly on the bee, - the most important pollinators of plants. But for several years billions of bees die worldwide for no apparent reason (see in Erkrath since ca. the year 2000 on my way by bike to Lake Morper etc. - d.48)... To date, no pathogens could be identified as a cause of mass extinctions. - Scientists of many disciplines looking for an explanation... 
The documentary asks what the researchers have brought in experience in the past four years, and whether they can offer solutions in the meantime... In 2006 the news from the United States made headlines that billions of bees are dead. - Many beekeepers found themselves in front of empty hives...
The U.S. government commissioned a group of scientists to investigate this mysterious death, which immediately got its own name: Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)... About the causes there are only guesses, - gene mutation, new pesticides (see neonics etc. - d.48), mobile radiation, a virus, - but no definitive knowledge... For four years, governments and various scientific institutions invested significant resources in research and possible elimination of the cause of these programmed disaster. - Has science found an answer? - Can they save the bees at all? To answer these questions, the documentary "The Mystery of the dying bees," pursued the work of several teams of scientists who try to understand the causes of the global threat of honey and wild bees with different hypotheses...
The film also looks into the question how it came to the radical changes in the relationship between humans (see my rescue of individual bees which were weakened and flew into our apartment - where I fed them with honey - until they could fly off again etc. - d.48) and the bees, that was a long time in equilibrium... Long before the Colony Collapse Disorder hit the headlines, scientists and beekeepers have detected the disappearance of bees and other pollinators... So far, there are no accurate diagnoses of scientists. But even if the research exposes the causes of it, there is not found a cure yet. - The science remains powerless as long as agricultural production methods are not questioned and altered...
But is humanity prepared - to meet this challenge? ... (, 18.05.2010)

I observed dying and dead Bees and Bumble Bees during my bike rides to Lake Morper in Erkrath since ca. 2000, - and I revived weakened bees which came into our sitting room by a swab with honey. (d.48)
see dali48 and visits of bees - which he feeds by a swab with honey - near his window in Wickrath in June 2013 etc... 
see dali48 and honey-swab and waggle dance etc...
see dali48 and Bees and "Flora and Fauna" since ca. 2000 etc. - “If the bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have 4 years left to live.” ― Albert Einstein
see WGG shared Monsanto Exposed's photo. - Why bees are dying by the billions etc... (dali48)

Cold storage for colonies could help mitigate climate change effects. Date: March 25, 2024; Source: Washington State University; Summary: The famous work

Golden Snow
“I can only hope that people will get a little smarter and stop and look to what is happening to the bees ... The signs are everywhere! People with bee haves are saying their bee's are disappearing each year ... that they are worried about their honey business ... our gardens are almost void of bees ... I am blessed to have haves close by ... but how long will they be there ... this is a world in trouble ... (scientist's looking for explanation for their deaths), this is a laugh ... they know that the wide use of chemicals is the reason ... but again the greed of the world import, export, and shelf life seems more important to them ... to hear that weakened bees came into your room looking for honey, tells a story all by itself ... more have to care ! Thank you for this most important and much needed information dali48”...

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