Montag, 17. Juni 2024

17.06.2024 - Modern man & Oil pollution etc. / Faustian delusion & modern technology etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing diary & books and photographing & cycling in Erkrath etc.

18.02.2014 - Modern man and Faust etc. by dali48

Interpretation of dali48
Subject: Oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico, - if you follow U.S. scientists, the damage will be much larger than originally thought. - Based on satellite images, the White House had been said of 800000 liters that flow daily from the leak... In truth, 4-12 million gallons per day could contaminate the
environment with which even the sinking of the tanker Exxon Valdez in 1989 off the coast of Alaska, would be put in the shade... "It could take years or even decades, before a recovering of the system from the initiation of such large quantities of oil and gas is possible," warns Mandy Joye of the University of
Georgia... (Rhine Post, 18.05.2010)

Die Deepwater Horizon war eine Bohrplattform für die Erdölexploration im Golf von Mexiko. Die Firma Transocean stellte sie 2001 in Dienst und betrieb sie im Auftrag des Leasingnehmers BP, um damit Ölbohrungen in rund 1500 Meter tiefen Gewässern durchzuführen. Am 20. Wikipedia

Ash cloud brakes air traffic: Airports in the UK, Ireland and Holland are paralyzed. Germany remains been spared so far by the new closures in aviation... (

Currently (May 2010) thousands of gallons of oil pollute the Gulf of Mexico, - not the only environmental disaster caused by man. The worst disaster in retrospect... (

The modern man is in danger to make a desert from the earth, - a machine from a person, - a systematic
collectivisation from the brotherly love (see abuse etc. - d.48), and to bring death in many cases, (see wars, etc. - d .48), where "God" (see also "flora & fauna" etc. - d.48) wishes life… (JP1, Lumen Gentium)

Almost all of modern technology is in the service of the Faustian delusion (see sorcerer's apprentice etc. - d.48) to have to correct the creation, and so to be able to increase the happiness of the people. - It can at most reduce the misfortune but not grow the "luck"... The question what is worse, immorality or hypocrisy, - has occupied Christianity for nearly 2000 years... (VJ Willi)

Golden Snow
“Holds my interest and one of the most important subjects you will ever post (Modern man and Faust etc) our world is being destroyed in every moment of every hour ... it is scary to read and hear what is happening, dali48 ... we do not hear it all ... so much is hidden from us , people bought off to keep their mouths shut ... I know of a hidden oil disaster close to home , oil was leaking from underground oil tanks for years ... they were hauling and pumping for over a year at night ... did they retrieve it all ... we will never know ... and to where did the haul it ... my heart cries for the earth and all her peoples ... government will never destroy the earth it belongs to God ... but they are taking a great shot at it ... my thoughts and feeling, dali48 ... but what is more important than the planet on which we live”...


13.03.2024 — It is with deep sorrow and much love, that we mourn the passing of our mother, Golden Snow, of Bridgewater, NS, on March 7, 2024.

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