Samstag, 1. Juni 2024

01.06.2024 - J. Seifert, Presentation Sp. 1984 / W. Golding, Nobel L. 1983 etc.

dali48 and writing books and photographing roses in the park of Wickrath etc.
03/06/2008 - Interpretation of dali48
At an early stage he came into contact with the contemporary European modernism, - especially with the French Surrealism...
In short, all those who live happy or unhappy a life that is an adventure and experience - but none of oppression and in accordance with a...
But during the 1930s and 1940s the horizon obscured. - The economic and political reality proved unsuitable to live the...
He signed the Charter 77 (We are all a part of 'UN' - see Human Rights and Basic Income etc. - see "Banking Crisis" 2008 etc. – d.48)… (J. Seifert, Presentation Sp 1984)

His scientific mind believes in the possibility of miracles in a black hole, while his religious mind believes in them outside of it - Both believe in miracles now actually, "quia absurdum est credimus"...
But perhaps at midnight, when the clock strikes and another year has passed, - he may occasionally think about the disadvantages rather than the advantages of... 
In fact, small things - can still be... (W. Golding, Nobel L. 1983)

  • Golden Snow "Life is a real adventure dali48 , I love reading the thoughts of others their fears and delights , their loves and the things they think they might ... I say might hate ... because at an early age my Mother said " hate is a hard word to use , to hate is to fear , to fear is to lost life ... we have such different feeling and lives it is a joy to read in your diaries the events of others ... best year and worse year of my life ... one cannot beat that dali48 ... lots of best times and always a few of them worse times ... they all make up life ... thanks again for you sites and blogs"...

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