Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024

14.05.2024 - Psychosomatic medicine / Cosmic Principles & Galilei / Sexuality & the “Middle Way” / Urban Agriculture etc.

see dali48 and cycling & teaching & writing diary3 in Erkrath, ediary6-12 (2013-2019) in Wickrath etc.

05.02.2014 - Georg Groddeck and psychosomatic medicine and chronically ill patients etc. by dali48
dali48 and reading Groddeck in the 70s, and private tuition and writing diary3 and photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010

Interpretation of dali48 
Georg Groddeck (1866 Bad Kösen – 1934 Kronau, near Zurich) was a physician and writer regarded as a pioneer of psychosomatic medicine...
With such and other methods the German physician Georg Groddeck, who practised in Baden-Baden and was the pathfinder of psychosomatic medicine, astonished his numerous...
Freud mentions Groddeck in The Ego and the Id, crediting him with giving a name to what Freud had already given a local habitation, to wit, the Id...
In contrast to Freud, Groddeck was primarily engaged with the treatment of chronically ill patients. Groddeck is considered by many as a founder of... 
Toward the end of his life, many colleagues and admirers asked Groddeck to form a society that would promote his ideas. To this request, he would laugh and reply...
In a talk called Who is it who knows there is no Ego? the zen philosopher Alan Watts said that when people came to Groddeck for analysis, he would give them...
"He was a completely wonderful man because everybody felt calmed by him. They felt an atmosphere of implicit faith in nature and especially in...
"No matter what, there is a wisdom inside you which may seem absurd, but you have to trust it." Watts mentions that Hermann Graf Keyserling, the Lithuanian philosopher, said that nobody has ever reminded him more of... (Wikipedia)

05.02.2014 - Cosmic Principles & Galilei and flora & fauna & spirits etc. by dali48
dali48 and writing ediary4+5 and photographing a lake as book-cover in the park of Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.
Interpretation of dali48  
Today we are many steps forward from that time (see e.g. Copernicus, Galilei, G. Bruno, etc. - d.48.) and science is uniting with some spiritual and religious concepts (see A. Einstein, Cosmological principles, etc. - d.48) in searching more realistic ideas which could help us to find out where we do come from, what is purpose of our life in universe and what is creation itself. According to the new scientific hypothesis today we are able to talk and think about multidimensional realities of our universe (see mankind, see flora & fauna, see Climate etc. - d.48), or many universes existing parallel to ours (see NASA, galaxy Andromeda, Hubble telescope, etc. - d.48)... (by Tatjana Mihaela) 

We are talking about the clash between the Catholic Church (see childhood, see leaving the church in the 70s, etc. - d.48) and science (see e.g. Zen-Buddhism, etc. - d.48), between dogmatic control of ideas and the liberal tendency of natural philosophy (see Darwin, etc. - d.48)... 
The science of astronomy obviously won the argument ... (by RychardeManne)
Interpretation of dali48  
The Sun is different from the earth, our galaxy is different from a black hole, some galaxies advance toward rather than recede from us, and the universe has a "foamy" texture of galaxy clusters and voids, but none of these different structures appears to violate the basic laws of physics... 
Cosmologists agree that in accordance with observations of distant galaxies, a universe must be non-static if it follows the cosmological principle (see flora & fauna, etc. - d.48)... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“What a great subject of interest dali48 ... since I first looked up and discovered there were stars my mind would wonder if there was anyone peeking out of the lights in the sky back at me, I would dance and wave to the delight of my family ... later I went to the bible for my answers since it was all I had acess to ... I found that God created many worlds ... as my study of the bible increased I search harder to see who the wonderful man called our Father really was ... this brought me to write down many things I learned ... placing them in book form for my family ... as others have read also they tell me I should publish ... since the first one I wrote I have now written four more ... I know God created the worlds and those on them ... also that we will remain on this earth as we are or will visit as Spirits (never to die) We also will be like God If we are following and learn from Him, we also can be God's and create worlds, will be created without number ... I listen to science and enjoy it all, but come back to source that make this world God ... how exciting it is to know He is our Father ... I will stop now dali48 or another book will be written” …

05.02.2014 - Sexuality and a Means of reproduction and the “Middle Way” etc. by dali48

dali48 and private tuition and writing books and a cooking houseman in Erkrath since 8/1983 etc.
21.03.2001 - Interpretation of dali48 
Sex is what we make of it, - an expensive or cheap goods, means of reproduction, defense against loneliness, a form of communication, a weapon of aggression, a sport, love, beauty, an ideal condition, the evil (see e.g. dogmatic Catholics, see orthodox Church in Russia etc. - d. 48), the good, luxury or relaxation, reward, escape, a reason of self-esteem, an expression of duty, pleasure, union with the cosmos, mystical ecstasy, indirect death wish or death experience, a path to peace, a legal dispute, a kind of exploring uncharted territory of human, a technique, a biological function, expression of mental health or illness, or simply a sensory experience… (A. Offit / D. Schadow / H. Schallhammer)

Interpretation of dali48  
Human sexuality is the capacity to have erotic experiences and responses. Human sexuality can also refer to the way someone is sexually attracted to another person, whether it is to the opposite sex (heterosexuality), to the same sex (homosexuality), to either sex (bisexuality), to all gender identities (pansexuality), or not being attracted to anyone in a sexual manner (asexuality). Human sexuality impacts cultural, political, legal, and philosophical aspects of life. It can refer to issues of morality, ethics, theology, spirituality, or religion. It is not, however, directly tied to gender. Some cultures have been described as sexually repressive...
Sigmund Freud, a firm supporter of the nature argument - believed that sexual drives are instinctive and viewed sexuality as the central source of human personality...
Freud gave sexual drives a centrality - in human life, actions, and behaviors that had not been accepted before his proposal. His instinct theory suggested that humans are driven from birth by the desire to acquire and enhance bodily pleasures, thus supporting the nature debate...
Psychological studies of sexuality focus on psychological influences that affect sexual behavior and experiences. Early psychological analyses were carried out by Sigmund Freud - who believed in a psychoanalytic approach...
Gender identity is a person's own sense of identification as female, male, both, neither, or somewhere in between - The social construction of gender has been discussed by a wide variety of scholars, Judith Butler notable among them. Recent contributions consider the influence of feminist theory and courtship research…
The results of a recent interview study involving 3,000 adults 57 to 85 years of age have shown that health - plays a role in the level of older adults' sexual activity. The percentage of sexually active older adults is higher for those that are in good health than those in poor health...
A gradual decrease in testosterone production may cause physical symptoms such as a lack of energy - erectile dysfunction, and muscle deterioration. The weakening health of a man's heart, prostate, kidneys, hearing and digestive systems are also signs of aging that occur during a males later life, or climacteric period. What can impact sexuality in old age is partner availability and health (two factors that have an impact throughout the lifespan)...
There are certain diseases, health situations, and medications - that can have an impact on sex and sexual activity. There are also many ways to accommodate the changes. Medications can be altered and the way we express ourselves sexually can be changed to accommodate physical limitations. Whatever the case, the need for intimacy continues throughout the lifespan and throughout late adulthood...
Sex is the right of the woman, not the man and it will or should only be experienced in times of joy - because it is a selfish personal satisfaction that must be pleasurable for both parties. Men cannot force women to have sex, and women cannot take away sex as punishment because it is an offense to use sex to manipulate or as a weapon - Finally, sex cannot be experienced while intoxicated or quarreling...
Buddhism emphasizes the “Middle Way” which is never reaching the extremes - According to this religion, moderation in everything is key to enlightenment or nirvana; therefore, human sexuality should fall in the middle on a continuum from extreme Puritanism to extreme permissiveness... (Wikipedia)

Golden Snow
“Hi dali48, next to the weather I believe sex is the next most discussed ... but unlike the weather which just happens around us, sex seems to be the more discussed and most abused than anything else in the world ... what a shame once it was a beautiful thing that happened between a man and a woman because it expressed their complete love for each other ... now used to obtain a better position at work and a night of "FUN" ... sex can be beautiful, caring and exciting when with the one you love ... but to me real love starts in the heart a caring the moves above lust, just wanting to care for, protect, enjoy life with ... sharing great music and learning from each other ... feelings that can last a life time ... I believe sex is over rated ... (my thoughts) I can hear the booing now ... but I have received feelings so deep from a song played for me, lasted for days, sweet thoughts ... words that fill the heart ... if more was thought of like this old age would holding of hands and cuddles that reached the soul ... intimacy comes from a glance across a room, sharing memories ... " Buddhism has it right human sexually should fall in the middle” …

05.02.2014 - Urban Agriculture and food production goals and home gardening etc. by dali48 

dali48 and writing ediary6-12 and walking and photographing flowers in Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.

Interpretation of dali48 
The United Nations secretary-General has called for a Green New Deal saying:
“Climate change threatens all our goals for development and social progress. Indeed, it is the one true existential threat to the planet”... 
Urban agriculture which is simply the growing of food and the production of food based items (jams, jellies, eggs and so on) in urban setting, cities, towns and villages (why not plant fruits and vegetables on the roofs of houses, etc. - d.48), not only reduces the amount of fossil fuels used to move goods across country but when done organically reduces the pollutants used to grow the goods... (by B. Ewing)

Green New Deal
https://de.wikipedia.org › wiki › Green_New_Deal
Der Begriff Green New Deal bezeichnet Konzepte, mit denen der ökologische Umbau eines Wirtschaftssystems eingeleitet werden soll, um gesellschaftliche ...
‎USA · ‎Europa · ‎Deutschland · ‎Italien

Interpretation of dali48 
Urban agriculture is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in, or around, a village, town or city. Urban agriculture in addition can also involve animal husbandry, aquaculture, agro-forestry and horticulture. These activities also occur in peri-urban areas as well... 
Urban farming is generally practiced for income-earning or food-producing activities, though in some communities the main impetus is recreation and relaxation... 
Urban agriculture contributes to food security and food safety in two ways: first, it increases the amount of food available to people living in cities, and, second, it allows fresh vegetables and fruits and meat products to be made available to urban consumers. It decreases food deserts. A common and efficient form of urban agriculture is the biointensive method. Because urban agriculture promotes energy-saving local food production, urban and peri-urban agriculture are generally seen as sustainable agriculture... 
There has also been an emerging trend of going green and organic as a response to pollution and pesticides used in farming practices... 
In New York City many low-income residents suffer from high rates of obesity and diabetes, limited sources of fresh produce and available, undeveloped land... 
Some urban gardeners have used empty lots to start community or urban garden. However, the soil must be tested for heavy contamination in city soil because of vehicle exhaust (see electro-vehicles, etc. - d.48) and remnants of old construction... 
In response to the recession of 2008, a coalition of community based organizations, farmers and academic institutions in California's Pomona Valley formed the Pomona Valley Urban Agriculture Initiative... 
Poverty alleviation: It is known that a large part of the people involved in urban agriculture is the urban poor. In developing countries, the majority of urban agricultural production is for self-consumption, with surpluses being sold in the market. According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), urban poor consumers spend between 60 and 80 percent of their income on food, making them very vulnerable to higher food prices... 
Other examples of community centers are Greensgrow Farm in Philadelphia and Northey Street City Farm in Brisbane, Australia. Greensgrow uses an abandoned site as an urban farm to teach the community how food is grown and how to grow their own food. Northey Street City Farm hosts weekly community activities to educate and involve local residents in agricultural practices... 
However, some municipalities like Portland, Oregon, and Davenport, Iowa are encouraging the implementation of fruit bearing trees (as street trees or as park orchards) to meet both greening and food production goals... (Wikipedia)
Golden Snow
“Yes dali48 taking an interest in home gardening is good for everyone ... there is so much space that goes to waste ... some parks are huge and a lot of this property could be used to grow and teach each person how to grow their own food ... it usually is the poor who take interest in growing their own but I find an interest raising for organic food now ... people are becoming more aware of the dangers of GMOs ... some property can be contaminated but test can be done ... we have a small town and lots of land, more and more people are looking for plots for planting ... we ran out of space more is being looked at for spring, thanks to you dali48 more interest in growing food for health is becoming a fun project in our little town”...

Annex4 to the blogs of dali48  

dali48 and writing and cycling and photographing in Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.


dali48 and menaced private teaching (since 1989) and writing books & cycling & photographing in Erkrath till 5/2010.  

dali48 and playing chess and stopping smoking as a sports student in Tübingen in the 70s etc.

Each day is our whole life - from sunrise to sunset etc… (dali48)

"Stay in your inner world (original) - the outside world is the false version, see e.g. hunger, biodiversity, climate, inflation, war etc"... (dali48)

31.03.2024 - I saw the first bumble bee on a white nettle blossom in the park of Wickrath this year ... (dali48)
21.06.2023 - I didn't see a butterfly yet in Wickrath this year ... (dali48)

I'm neither right nor left, see Salvador Dali in this context - I'm only dali48 
Psychology says, Trust your intuition. It never lies.

see dali48 & FGYO / SIT, language teacher, 1975/76 in Tübingen and Lenzkirch (Black Forest), and wandering in the morning, and in Erkrath (8/1983-5/2010) cooking houseman and teaching in the afternoon, on Saturdays & compact courses during holidays etc.
"Home is not there or there. Home is within you, or nowhere." (Hermann Hesse)

see dali48 and walking and cycling etc. - and without own car in Erkrath since 2004 - and without driving in Wickrath since 6/2010 etc.

"It takes few words to express the essential" - Paul Éluard

"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." ... (H. Miller)

"The past is pain, the future uncertainty. The present is all we have" ... (Tao Wong)

„Wer immer die Wahrheit sagt, kann sich ein schlechtes Gedächtnis leisten.“ (
F. Sulzer

"Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way." (F. Kafka)

see dali48 and bees and CCD and neonics since ca. 2000 etc.

In "love" are the beginning and the climax - the most beautiful periods etc... (dali48)

"Time spent with cats is never wasted." (S. Freud)

Why not use bio-methane, hydrogen, bio heating oil, e-heating oil - instead of banning oil and gas heating etc. (dali48)

"Only the present moment counts, even when the subject is the past." (R. D. Brinkmann)

"Non-sexual intimacy is therapeutic. Deep conversations, healthy silence, a unique joke from an old memory, similar interests; beautiful stuff." (

see dali48 and “If the Trees disappeared off the face of the earth - mankind would only have little left to live healthy,” see e.g. Amazonas forest, Indonesia etc, see e.g. @CGShanghaiAir Shanghai - 2023-03-06 4PM - PM2.5 - 103 AQI - Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups ... etc. 
see dali48 and trees & photo synthesis and fresh air and health and cooling and biodiversity etc.

Why not recreate lost Wetlands by desalinated sea water? ... (dali48)

 "Half of the money for arms should go as reparation to "flora & fauna" & UBI ,,, (dali48)e money for arms

"Getting older is realizing putting yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s necessary" (

"Trust your intuition. It never lies." (

"Some people go through our lives to teach us not to be like them." ( Lev Tolstoy)

"is it ethical to hoard bread when families are starving?" (

"The goal isn’t money, the goal is to spend your days as you wish." (

“Give a child a good birth (if at all possible, no drugs to the mother)=1 and a good first three years, especially a good first three months, and a major part of the job of child rearing is done.” ― Arthur Janov, The Biology of Love

"Be teachable. You’re not always right." (@ML_Philosophy)

"The tombstone of capitalism will later say: too much was not enough." (Volker Pispers)

see dali48 and environmental disasters & @sara_s_2020 & #Tiredearth & Manila Slum (Philippines) & Creek etc.

»Auf dem Grabstein (der Erde; d. Red.) könnte stehen: Jeder wollte das Beste – für sich.« (Siegfried Lenz)

"Smiling mobilizes 15 muscles, but sulking requires 40. Rest: smile!" (Christophe André)

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift that"s why they call it the present." - (@TheWordicle)

"When you realize how precious and fragile life is, it changes your whole perspective." (Ryan O’Donnell)

"A kind word can warm up to three months of winter" - Japanese proverb

"It’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction." (@wise_chimp)

"It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company." (@PsychologyDose_)

"The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth." - Lao Tzu

"... We get old too soon, and wise too late." (@_AhmadHijazi)

"Nothing in the world is worth turning away from what we love" - Albert Camus

"I am allowed to say NO to others and YES to myself." (@Lenka49044040)

"You can only live forwards, understand life only backwards." (Søren Kierkegaard)  
"Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie" ... (@spectraspeaks
see "Remove the idea that anybody else is responsible for your misery and suffering; that somebody can give meaning to your life. Accept that you are alone, born alone (premature birth, 7 months etc. - d.48), and you will die alone" ... (Osho)
"Respect for life - should be the only religion in the world!" ... (Osho)
"Religion is a journey inside - and meditation is the way there" ... (Osho) 
"Zen finds religion in the daily activities." (I-tuan)
see Researchers in Germany report that adults born with very low birth weight (e.g. 750 g etc. - d.48) are more likely to have what they describe as a “socially withdrawn personality.”
see dali48 and nervous breakdown & psychotherapy (1 year) in Tübingen in 1974 and the ontogenetic & phyloggenetic unconscious etc. 
see dali48 and dreaming & visions, see e.g. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake & tsunami etc, see Golden G. Snow "I journey I know it's true. I've seen the future too. In my "journey", things are not good. So much of the earth will be ... soon. I have no more to say."), and NDE and reincarnation and reading & writing ...  
see scott_hurst retweeted by dali48 "If all the atheists left the USA, it would lose 93% of the National Academy of Sciences but less than 1% of the prison population"
Spelt helps: fatigue, loss of energy, heart problems etc. (St Hilda)
dali48author ‏@dali48
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05.10.2015 - Autoreninterview https://docs.google.com/document/d/17Rwx8zAt1OxVtCsQpg0YqSew0PWjCf6g5z-VclflnoY/edit?usp=sharing, https://docs.google.com/.../17Rwx8zAt1OxVtCsQpg0Y.../edit...see dali48 on Google, blogspot.com, Facebook, bod.de, Twitter, goodreads.com, etc.
Golden Snow Wonderful read. You have had a life experience worth writing about. I enjoy your diaries they are true and interesting.keep writing dali48 your books inspire many to good health and to face life one moment at a time.
dali48 on Goodreads 

diary3 by dali48 on twitter

by https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8807872-diary3-by-dali48-on-twitter

48 Dali - 2009
rated it "It was amazing"
I found this dairy of great interest and enjoyed the journey ... it is filled with well written information that covers all age groups, from history to health both in body and mind ... the why's and where's are answered in complete ... thanks dali48 for sharing ...
Thank you for sharing. Your braveness to fight illness has inspired me to face life in a different way dali48. I love the concept of living in the moment and breathing into it. This has improved my health both in body and mind.
Deutsch Ausgabe | von 48 Dali | 28. Dezember 2009

ediary4 by dali48 Kindle Ausgabe von Wolfgang G. Greinerr (Author) 

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ISBN-10: 1523675691 
ediary4 by dali48 (English Edition)
ediary4 by dali48 (English Edition)
Wolfgang G. Greiner
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Collection ediary 6-12 of dali48 kdp.amazon.com
ediary5 by dali48 on FB: Healing in the past and the future - focused on the ... https://amazon.co.uk/.../ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_IcW5Fb3AEJJ8R via
dali48 and writing books and cycling and photographing etc...
see dali48 and warning of neo-fascism since 1989 in Erkrath etc. - instead of Ecology & Health etc. - Uncontrolled capitalism (without UBI & wealth tax) produces evil as bees produce honey, see Instead of €100 billion for armaments - €50 billion for #ClimateEmergency 2022 & UBI etc.
see @nur_Dagmar / ntv: "Global #militaryspending exceeds for the first time 2 TRILLION dollars" (2022) - instead of 1 trillion for #ClimateEmergency 2022 and basic income etc. (dali48)
see dali48 & "The already uninhabitable Earth. Today (3.7.23), Zabol in Iran recorded the highest temperature on Earth at 49.6C" (@PGDynes), see e.g. https://aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/30/out-of-time-temperature-records-topple-around-the-world, & #ClimateEmergency 2022 instead of clean air (see e.g. Shanghai Air etc.) & enough drinking water (see desalination of sea water since ca. 2000), enough trees & fish, #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy since the 70s & UBI since 2008 ("Banking Crisis") & biodiversity & health & no inflation, wars etc.
see dali48 & Heatwaves in #Europe, see #IPCC #ClimateReport, see #ClimateEmergency 2022 (https://insideclimatenews.org/.../cold-weather-polar.../ via , cold spells, #heatwave #Pakistan & #India 62°C/143°F, #Copernicus #Sentinel3 LST, dryness, #Wildfires in US & Canada, 'gigafires' & air pollution (Australia, Amazonas (#amazon #brasilien #luigicani #bäume #natur #pflanzen #säen), California, South Europe, South America, etc), floods, hurricanes, cyclones etc. since ca. 2000, loss of home in Africa, Southeast Asia & Pacific etc. - despite Club of Rome in the 70s, Copenhagen 2009, Paris 2015, Coronavirus 2020, #EarthOvershootDay 2021, #COP26, mass extinction, ecocide (https://www.stopecocide.earth/.../ecocide-due-to-biomass...), "ethnic cleansing", factory farming & zoonoses, racing in the wrong direction, see Instead of €100 billion for armaments - €50 billion for #ClimateEmergency and basic income etc. (dali48), see https://www.boell.de/.../20/wettrennen-die-falsche-richtung, see #SaveTibetSaveThePlanet, see Indigenous Climate Action etc. - instead of clean air & drinking water, enough trees & fish, #ZeroHunger, solar & wind energy & Basic Income (see https://eusignday.eu) & biodiversity & health & cures instead of inflation and war etc.
War crimes, see e.g. Ukraine etc. - and environmental crimes, see e.g. Kuwait, 50 million tires burn etc. - should be documented & punished by the UNO etc... (dali48)
see History & Genocide of Minorities & Scapegoats - instead of @UNHumanRights and Protection of #environmentdefenders & reparation for natives etc... (dali48)
Don't see swallows here in Wickrath (2018) as before at Lake Unterbach where they were deeply flying before the rain, and were nearly touching my head till 2010... (dali48)
dali48author ‏@dali48 "Er ist wieder da" Filmkritik: Das Lachen bleibt im Halse stecken! br.de/mediathek/vide… see dali48 and TV and 3sat and Documentaries and Movies etc...Pw via @YouTube see dali48 and favourite Music and parodies etc...
Stolpersteine ‏@_Stolpersteine_Weiße Rose Verlegung von Stolpersteinen in Bünde - Von Initiative 9. November Bünde
Yesterday TV Channel 18 February Sophie Scholl was arrested today in 1943. Here's why we should remember her...
see dali48 and Concerning Chernobyl 1986, see sohub.io/uo63, see sohub.io/st6t, and Fukushima 2011 - see http://www.mdr.de/.../video-2362_zc-b45e8c8c_zs-6da2f47c... - see Comparison of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidentshttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Comparison_of_the_C... The following table compares the nuclear accidents at the Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (2011) nuclear power plants, the only INES level 7 nuclear ...
Survivors of nuclear testing should get reparation by the UN etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and writing & photographing & painters & surrealism & "Zeitgeist" etc...
see dali48 and reading & writing and practicing Zen since the 80s etc.
"Write your life - Or they'll wait till you're dead to write the lie" ... (@spectraspeaks)
see dali48 & Why is there no UBI & poverty incidence & wealth sharing in age of #ClimateEmergency 2022 (see Club of Rome 1972), insecurity, Corona-virus, automation, mass extinction, ecocide, war, inflation etc. - instead of uncontrolled lobbying, tax avoidance, food wasting despite hunger, area payments for farming industry, work densification of care labor sector, unpaid #care work, homelessness, ecocide (see www.stopecocide.earth/become, ), "ethnic cleansing", hunger instead of bread discount etc... (dali48)
see dali48 & Why is there no UBI & wealth & food sharing in age of #ClimateEmergency 2022, insecurity, Corona-virus, automation, mass extinction, ecocide, war, inflation etc. - instead of food wasting despite extreme hunger, ecocide (www.stopecocide.earth/become), "ethnic cleansing" ...
see dali48 and Deforestation & War instead of Health & UBI & #BeyondPolitics #SystemChange

https://ti.me/2KEEimx & political views: "I'm against anything that kills people & destroys Mother Nature (see Club of Rome since 1972), siehe #Erdüberlastungstag,
#ClimateEmergency 2022, see Stop Ecocide International, see https://youtu.be/3sHncObM2yc etc."

see dali48 and ocean pollution instead of Health & UBI & political views: "I'm against anything that kills people & destroys Mother Nature (see Club of Rome since 1972), siehe #Erdüberlastungstag, #EarthOvershootDay, see #ClimateEmergency 2022, see Stop Ecocide International"

see Who helps the helpers in age of insecurity and corona-virus etc... (dali48)

Not all of us can prevent a war; but most of us can help ease sufferings—of the body and the soul.— Ruth Pfau[4]

see @Global_Witness #DefendTheDefenders

globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/e ... (dali48)

@seawatchcrew @United4Rescue & @msf_de verurteilen die Festsetzung aufs Schärfste - PM: msf.de/FT

see dali48 and Mother Earth and Human (Basic Income) and Environmental Rights (biodiversity) etc.

see dali48 and "Why are there no canals, reservoirs (see e.g. drying & flooding etc.), water-pipelines & desalination at the coasts by solar & wind energy for producing cold water for firefighting planes, nuclear power plants, rivers, forests etc. - since ca. 2000 etc.?"

see 10 % of food for the wild animals etc... (dali48)

see dali48 and "weeds" = herbs & health and biodiversity instead of neonics (dying bees) etc.
see leaf blower and noise and shredding of small animals etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and breathing & walking & health etc.
see dali48 and "A real alternative is the Christmas tree in the pot" etc.
see the State and the Church and the scapegoat-syndrome and e.g. the witches, minorities etc... (dali48)
Air Pollution in Mönchengladbach: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map aqicn.org/map/monchengla via
- see dali48 and reading & writing about air pollution etc.
see dali48 and "The power supply is massively endangered" - i.e. for me that solar panels & small windmills on windows & roofs etc. should be allowed, see #ClimateEmergency etc ...
see dali48 and Basic Income without drugs, alcohol, gambling etc.
see dali48 & Climate Crisis (#EarthDay) since ca. 2000 & Banking Crisis 2008 & Pandemic 2020 & #ClimateEmergency 2022 without UBI (see #ubi4all #ubi #sdgs #covid19 #science #prainsack) & Health & Biodiversity (see https://act.gp/3e6mk8T) instead of Ecocide (see stopecocidio.es/latam) etc.
This means that racism, dogmatic religion, war politics, private wealth is inhuman (see @Tafel_DE
@EuroFoodBanks etc. (dali48)
I prefer Basic Income for poor individuals to randomly selected ones etc. (dali48)
see dali48 & Wealth tax instead of Tax havens etc. Basic Income instead of Old-age poverty & Non-availment for individuals below Hartz4 in Germany or 7$ per day to 678 Euro per month, (see @Tafel_DE
@EuroFoodBanks etc. - d.48), youtu.be/ydKcaIE6O1k , https://eci.ec.europa.eu/014/public, https://www.startnext.com/DvS, #basicincome #btw21 #bundestagswahl, #bge #direkteDemokratie #signnow, @SGrundeinkommen, https://docs.google.com/.../1HDE_iG4mrej8JlSMthrc.../edit#farbebekennen, http://humanity.dk/MyBIENLord.mp4, https://vladanlausevic.medium.com/proposal-for-a-european..., #wirtschaftsolldenmenschendienen, #Erdüberlastungstag, see https://eci.ec.europa.eu/014/public/#/screen/home, see “A society without God is like a well-organized band of robbers”, Pope Benedict wrote in the register of members of the Bundestag. (dali48)
"In reality there are fights between dreamers (the poor, (see @Tafel_DE
@EuroFoodBanks etc. - d.48) and realists (the rich, see 136 billionaires, 2.1 million millionaires) instead of Tax havens, #CumEx etc. - d.48)" ... (V. Ebert)
see dali48 & #WealthTax vs. Tax havens, #CumEx etc. UBI vs. dirty money, oil, gas, war, inflation vs. price controls & excess profit tax, poverty & rent- & heating madness etc. - see 300 € climate money now per month in winter, see #Erdüberlastungstag, #EarthOvershootDay, see #ClimateEmergency etc. - “A society without God is like a well-organized band of robbers,” Pope Benedict wrote in the register of members of the Bundestag. (dali48)
siehe dali48 & "Wir brauchen keine Abschaffung der Mehrwertsteuer, Tankrabatt etc, wir brauchen eine monatlich in bar im Voraus an jeden Bürger ausgezahlte Mehrwertsteuer-Erstattung von 1200 € (#Mindestens600 + Energiepreisdeckel + Inflationsausgleich - d.48), genannt #bGE." (@ArfstW)
Maryam Malik
 "We must transition from an economic model, see
#ClimateEmergency etc. to an ecological model." (#saveEarth etc. - d.48)
see dali48 and "horse, tipi or blanket" of the Natives = Human Rights & Basic Income today (bicycle, room, heating) etc.
The sins of envy, greed and lust = Insta, Amazon and youporn today etc. (E. v. Hirschhausen)
LGBT rights are Human Rights and should also be fundamental rights in Democracies etc. (dali48)
Reducing 50 % of unwanted advertising mail etc. (dali48)
"Additional Income" for political parties should be limited to 4 billion Euro etc. (dali48)
Why isn't there more desalination of sea water & food security by solar & wind energy and water pipelines for nuclear power plants, dry rivers etc. & reservoirs since ca. 2000, see e.g. #ClimateEmergency in India and Pakistan 2022 & heatwaves etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and Basic Income (since 2008) and COVID-19 pandemic (since 2020) and wealth tax & excess profit tax etc.
see dali48 and reading & writing about tao and wu wei and precognition and mysticism etc.
see UBI (7$ per day) and wealth tax instead of tax havens etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and reading about A. S. Neill and Summerhill in the 70s and private tuition in Erkrath, 8/1983-5/2010.
see dali48 and stopping smoking caused by an Interval training ( 3 x 100 m + 3 x 400 m run) as a sports student in Tübingen in the 70s etc.
International Children's Day: "Such a day only makes sense if rich children donate money to poor children for this day, etc." (dali48)
see #ClimateEmergency & Corona pandemic 2020, War in Ukraine 2/2022 and inflation & poverty instead of price controls & excess profit tax & Basic Pension (see e.g. NL, Sweden etc.) & Basic Income (https://youtu.be/HrBgwalSVVM #BGE) now & health" instead of neo-fascism etc. (dali48)
see Marine debris should be collected before it reaches the oceans etc. (dali48)
see dali48 against leaf blowers & extreme noise during private tuition & the killing of tiny animals since 1989 in Erkrath etc.
see dali48 and plastic producers should be also responsible for recycling & cleaning of toxic micro-plastics etc.
see dali48 and "What about producing sustainably"?
22.06.2021 - I haven't see a lady bug or snail since long during my daily walk in the park ... (dali48)
see dali48 and own experiences and reading & writing about Kübler-Ross, Moody, NDE, LAL etc.
Deforestation & Poisoning = Ecocide (Holocaust) of Nature (flora & fauna) etc... (dali48)
Priority is given to basic care (teeth, glasses, etc.) - "luxury medicine" (wellness, etc.) is secondary ... (dali48)
see dali48 and #sozialeabsicherung etc.
see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer, see #Xagainstcancer etc."

Tierversuche NEIN - nur im Not- oder Ausnahmefall etc... (dali48)

see dali48 and higher taxes for the rich and basic income for the poor etc. 
see dali48 and cycling and without own car since 2004 etc.
Instead of €100 billion for armaments - €50 billion for anti-aircraft defense, and €50 billion for #ClimateEmergency and basic income etc. (dali48)
Instead of 100 billion per year for the Bundeswehr - 50 billion per year for the climate & citizen money etc. (dali48)
"Instead of 1.6 trillion euros in subsidies for climate-damaging projects, see #ClimateEmergency https://pic.twitter.com/0MCMkcSg0t - 0.8 trillion euros in subsidies for climate-friendly projects & basic income" etc... (dali48)
see dali48 and "I prefer a direct basic income or micro-credit for poor individuals to more tax paying to the government, see e.g. 100 billion € for armaments & 1.6 trillion € in subsidies for climate-damaging projects etc."
siehe dali48 und "Was damit sagt, ist: es wird KEINEN Lastenausgleich durch die 136 Milliardären geben, KEINEN Lastenausgleich bei den 2,1 Millionen (!) Millionären in Deutschland." (
see dali48 and A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows. - #SaintFrancis Wednesday's Quotes: aflowerofgod.blogspot.com/2016/07/wednes
"Remove the idea that anybody else is responsible for your misery and suffering; that somebody can give meaning to your life. Accept that your are alone, born alone (premature birth, 7 months etc. - d.48), and you will die alone" ... (Osho)
see dali48 and dreaming and visions and NDE and reincarnation and reading & writing about "I am different" etc.
"In an unclean world, being dirty is the purest state of all." ... (J. Monáe)
"Ach, wäre es schön, wenn es im Religions- und Kunstunterricht keine Noten gäbe und den Kindern einfach nur die Freude am Bewegen und der Kreativität vermittelt würde" ... (dali48)
UN should control international fishing with ships of its approx. 190 members etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and cycling since 4,5 years old, and combining car & folding bike in Amsterdam in 1998, and for private lessons in the city center of Düsseldorf till 2004, and then without own car, see e.g. Radkomm # 5 Fahrrad jetzt, Team Wallraff - Reporter undercover, Aufbruch Fahrrad: Siebte Fahrrad-Sternfahrt NRW etc.
see @leonheden & #BasicIncome (#UBI) & "It’s time to end poverty in developed countries once and for all."
 "Psychology says silence is often better than explaining." - "
Psychology says, the greatest win is walking away and choosing not to engage in drama and toxic energy at all." - "Psychology says, you are at your strongest when you are calm." - "Psychology says, re-reading good books and re-watching good movies multiple times over the years gives you new insight into them."
see @PsychologyF_
 "Psychology says, forgiving your old self is self-care." - "Psychology says, if you feel comfortable alone, you are a powerful individual." - "Psychology says, Smart people will always prioritize their privacy and self-care." - "Psychology says you should be private. Never tell people more than they need to know."
see @Psychology_DQ "Psychology says "
Clear anything that disturbs your mental health." - "
if you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed."
 - "Psychology says, don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear." - "Psychology says, respect is one of the greatest expressions of love." - "Psychology says, The less you care, the happier you will be." - "Psychology says, You'll never live a happy life if you always care about what others think about you." -
"Psychology says, everyone leaves. Learn how to survive alone." -
 "Psychology says, forgiving people in silence and never speaking to them again is a form of self care." - "Psychology says, ignoring instead of hating is self-care."
 "Psychology says, it's ok to live a life others do not understand." - 
 Psychology says, People will be "disappointed in you" when they can't manipulate you. - "Psychology says, the worst battle is between what you know and what you feel." - "Psychology says, Trust your intuition. It never lies."

see dali48 & Human Rights (1948), warning of neo-fascism since 1989, and of #ClimateEmergency 2022, see S.D. Horwich ‏@homeschoolcurr Want to ban homeschool? So did the Nazis. Read about it at bit.ly/lZkLNv... Retweeted by dali48 & private tuition in Erkrath since 1989 till 5/2010.
see dali48 and "#TempolimitJetzt 30/80/130!" etc.
see Deforestation & Poisoning = Ecocide (Holocaust) of Nature etc, see dali48 & "weeds" instead of neonics (dying bees) etc, see ‏@tennekes_tox Das grosse Neonics Desaster. Seit 1995 sind bis zu 80 % der Biomasse aller Fluginsekten in NRW verschwunden farmlandbirds.net/de/content/inn
see dali48 und @Naturschuetzen "Ich bin dafür Alkohol (+ Lebertest - d.48), Tabak (+ Lungentest - d.48) und Cannabis (medizinisches - d.48) erst ab 21 legal erwerben zu können."
see dali48 and reducing the meat consumption to 100 g per person as a private teacher & cooking house-man in the 80s etc.
see @jochenbruehl see dali48 & "2/3 of the rich students should pay a financial compensation for the 1/3 poor students etc." - see Covid-19 in 2020, see War in Ukraine 2/2022 & inflation instead of price controls & poverty etc. - "instead of Basic Pension for retired workers (see e.g. NL etc.) & UBI (500 to 700 €) now & health" etc...
In Armut lebt: Jeder 3. Student & 5. Rentner, Wer kein „Entlastungspaket“ bekommt: Studierende, Rentner ohne Grundrente, Kranke, https://pic.twitter.com/RUv88KaLbx
see V. Perli, see @jochenbruehl, see dali48 & War in Ukraine 2/2022 & inflation & poverty instead of price controls & bread discount, excess profit tax & Basic Pension (see e.g.NL etc.) & #BGE (youtu.be/HrBgwalSVVM) instead of unearned pensions for politicians & civil servants etc.
see dali48 & Covid-19 & Ukraine 2/2022 & inflation instead of price controls, bread discount & energy money for poor people. Basic Pension for retired workers (see e.g. NL, Sweden etc.) & UBI (500-700 €) now & health" instead of unearned money etc. for politicians & civil servants etc.
see dali48 & higher taxes for the rich & UBI & basic pension for the poor, see #WealthTax (136 billionaires, 2.1 million millionaires) instead of Tax havens, #CumEx etc. UBI (youtu.be/HrBgwalSVVM #BGE) instead of dirty money, oil, gas, war, inflation & corporations & dirty profits, instead of price controls & 600 € now
see dali48 and "They should reform (see e.g. Kofi Annan) & sign a treaty in the UN to reduce subsidies for climate-damaging projects and tax excess profits & over-kill arming - and use this money for reaching the climate targets & for a tiny UBI for the hungry & poor people etc."
see dali48 and reading & writing about "fora & fauna" and trees, see http://www.weidenhof-worpswede.de/naturschutz/ etc. 

see dali48 & inheritance tax for the rich & UBI & no VAT on staple foods for the poor, see #WealthTax instead of Tax havens, #CumEx etc. - UBI instead of dirty money, oil, gas, war, inflation & profits, and (Wintergeld 1000€ + Energiepreisdeckel ab 01. Januar! #GenugistGenug)
siehe dali48 und "Alles verwelkt, wenn man es nicht trainiert" etc. - see dali48 and "everything withers if you don't train it" etc. 
see dali48 and philosophy & Socrates "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know too little" etc.
siehe dali48 & Psychologie & C. G. Jung & „Du bist was du tust, nicht was du sagst.“ - see Louise von Franz & dreaming etc.
see dali48 &
 "Pay attention to how your body feels after hanging out with someone. Trust yourself, don't gaslight your gut feeling" 
see dali48 and #Pisces "live through accepting & are innately aware & appreciative of all walks of life"
see dali48 and "I prefer a direct basic income or micro-credit for poor individuals to more tax paying to the government, see e.g. 100 billion € for armaments & 1.6 trillion € in subsidies for climate-damaging projects etc."
see dali48 and meditating after grammar school in SHA in the 60s, and animated by the Osho Times in Düsseldorf in the 80s etc.
see e.g. outdoor lighting switched on during the day when the sun is shining, and cars drive with lights instead of pedestrians & bicycles etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and reading & writing about A.S. Neill and Summerhill in Tübingen (70s) & Leeds (72/73) & Lenzkirch (75/76) & Erkrath 1983-5/2010) etc. 
see dali48 and producing your own solar & wind energy since the 70s and your own Biogas for cooking & driving, see #DieRatgeberhttps://1.ard.de/BioGasAuto since 2022 etc. 
see e.g. miniwind for private houses, solar foil etc. on FB, see https://1.ard.de/BioGasAuto etc. (dali48)
see dali48 and electric power mix (01/15/2023) in Germany: coal = 12.2% and solar = 1.6%, from this it follows for me that it should be exactly the opposite etc. 
see dali48 and 50 billion for the military instead of 100, and 50 billion for the climate & UBI, and CO2 savings through €9 ticket & temporary speed limit of 130km/h etc.
see dali48 and football from the C youth at SC-Steinbach in the 50s to high school in SHA till 1968 as a right winger and center forward and as a sports student in Tübingen in the 70s etc. 
see Human Rights & Survival without clean air ca. 3 minutes, clean water ca. 3 days, clean food ca. 30 days etc. (dali48)
I believe in religion & science when they are not corrupted & updated etc. (dali48 in 9/2022)
A country which is threatening with the use of nuclear weapons, shouldn't have a veto right in the UN etc. (dali48) 
siehe Laubbläser & Hörschaden (über 85 Dezibel) & gesundheitsschädliche Abgase & töten Kleintiere & verschlimmern Feinstaub-Situation & Störung meines Privatunterrichts in Erkrath seit 1989 etc. (dali48) 
see leaf blowers & hearing damage (over 85 decibels) & harmful exhaust fumes & kill small animals & worsen fine dust situation & disruption of my private lessons in Erkrath since 1989 etc. (dali48) 
My grandma's (Helen) saying "When the donkey is too comfortable, he goes to the ice to dance" ... (dali48)
How can you reduce greed in order to be more peaceful? ... (dali48) - You could write a diary on want less and be happy ... (Golden Snow)
 "Everyone dies, but not everyone lives."

see dali48 and "I hope that Biontech (formerly in Mainz, now in London) & #mRNA #vaccines etc. - will develop a vaccination against cancer, see also #Xagainstcancer etc."

The text and all images on this page, unless otherwise indicated, are by Wolfg. G. Greiner (dali48)
who hereby asserts his copyright on the material. Should you wish to use any of the text or images feel free to do so with proper attribution and, if possible, a link back to this page. Thank you.
© Wolfg. G. Greiner (dali48) 8/2013 - 2024 etc...

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