Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

24.11.2016 - Pasternak3 and Scriabin etc...

dali48 and writing books and photographing parks etc...

04.11.2009 - Interpretation of dali48 

Boris L. Pasternak, the oldest child of painter Leonid Pasternak and pianist Roza Kaufman, was born in Moscow in 1890...

His parents received constant visits from prominent Moscow writers, artists, and intellectuals, including, the yet unknown R. M. Rilke in 1899, whose writing greatly influenced Pasternak - In addition to his parents, Pasternak's teachers were private tutors - until he entered high school in 1901, where he received a classical education. While he drew well, to the delight of his father, his first love was botany and second music - Inspired by the composer Scriabin, who was a friend of the family, Pasternak devoted 6 years to the study of composition...

He soon turned to philosophy - and although he appeared to be heading toward an academic career, he ultimately gave it up in 1912 to pursue his true calling: poetry - Yet his poetry and prose would always bear the mark of his youthful enthusiasms for music and philosophy - The years preceeding the Revolution were a time of great intellectual and artistic richness in Russia...

It was the age of Kandinsky and Chagall, of Scriabin and Stravinsky... (B. Pasternak,

Annex2 to the blogs of dali48

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